Balance, January 1, 1912 Revenue, 1912
Total Disbursements, 1912 .
Balance, January 1, 1913
Dollars. 613,648 5,174,841
5,788,489 4,816,817
The State has a bonded debt of 31,888 dollars. For the year 1907 the assessed value of taxable proyjerty was : real property, 470,915,900 dollars; personal property, 119,527,556 dollars ; total, 150,443,456 dollars.
The militia, called the National Guard, consists of cavalry and infantry of a total strength of 216 officers and 2,523 enlisted men in 1909.
Production and Industry.— Iowa is pre-eminently an agricultural State, nearly the whole area being arable and included in farms. In 1910 it had 33,930,688 acres of farm land, of which 29,491,199 acres was improved land. About half the farm area is devoted to the growing of cereals. In 1912 the crop of maize Avas put at 432,201,000 bushels ; of wheat, at 12,850,000 bushels ; oats, barley rye, and buck-wheat being also grown. The crop of potatoes amoimted to 18,966,000 bushels ; of hay, to 4,952,000 tons ; of flax-seed, to 294,000 bushels. The State has active live stock industries. In 1910 it contained 1,447,000 horses, 1,570,000 milk cows, 3,611,000 other cattle, 754,000 sheep, and 6,485,000 swine. The wool clip (1911) yielded 6,075,000 pounds of wool, valued at 1,358,585 dollars. Dairy farming and poultry-keeping are important.
The productive coal-fields of the State have an area of about 10,000 square miles and are worked by 16,021 miners. The coal output in 1911 amounted to 7,331,648 short tons, valued at 12,663,507 dollars. Lead and iron are found, but in no great quantity. Gypsum and ochre are worked, and mineral waters are sold. Sandstone and limestone were produced to the value of 736,207 dollars. The clay -working industries turned out bricks, tiles and pottery to the value of 4,432,874 dollars. The mineral output in 1911 was of the value of 21,107,496 dollars.
The output of manufactured goods in Iowa increased in value from 160,572,313 dollars in 1905 to 259,238,000 dollars in 1910. The chief in- dustries deal with pastoral and agricultural produce.
Statistics of the chief industries are : —
Slaughtering and meat-packing .
Flour and grist products Lumber and i)laning mill products Cars, making and repairing . Foundry and machine work . Tobacco
Dollars 12,362,000
6,123,000 12,800,000
5,488,000 12,865,000
Wage- earner.s
Number 4,144 1,231
G47 4,658 6,900 5,108 1,943
Materials used
Dollars 59,045,000 25,850,000 12,871,000 12,659,000 10,269,000 14,064,000
Within the State in 1910 there were 9,754 miles of railway, _ besides 756 miles of electric railway track. The rivers also provide facilities for