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in 1911 yielded granite, sandstoue and limestone to the total A^alue of 55,714 dollars. Tungsten, asbestos, quicksilver, zinc are (less or more) worked in the Territory. Total value of mineral output in 1911, 44,104,731 dollars.

The capital invested in manufacturing industries in the State in 1910 amounted to 32,873,000 dollars ; the raw material used cost 33,600,000. dollars, and the output was valued at 50,257,000 dollars. By far the most important of the industries is copper smelting and refining, for which there were 8 establishments Avitli- a capital of 21,487,000 dollars, employing an average number of 3,129 wage-earners, using material costing 12,486,782 dollars, and giving an output valued at 29,242,000 dollai-s. Other industries are car construction and repair by railway companies showing an output worth 2,394,000 dollars; lumber and timber working, and flour and grist milling with an output of 1,082,000 dollars.

The lower course of the Colorado river is the oidy navigable waterway of the State. In 1910 there were 2,041 miles of steam railway, the j)rinciijal lines being the Southern Pacific, the Santa Fe Pacific, and the Santa Fc Prescott and Phoenix. There are 37 miles of electric railway.

Books of E-eference.

The Reports of the various Executive Departments of the Stater

Ceusus Bulletins, No. 30. Census of Manufactures, 1905. Washington, 1906.

Hamilton (P.), The Resources of Arizona. Arizona, 18S1.


Goveriimeilt.— I'he General Assembly consists of a Senate of 36 members elected for four years, partially r'eneAved every two years, and a House of Representatives of 100 members elected for two years. The Sessions arc bienidal and limited to 60 da3^s unless extended by a two-thirds vote of each House. Senators and Representatives must be citizens, the former 25 years of age and the latter 21, and both must have resided in the State two years, and in the county or district one year next before election. The State is repi-esented in Congi'ess by two Senators and seven Representatives.

Governor : — (4,000 dollars).

Secretary of State. — Earl W. Hodges.

The State is divided into 75 counties. The State Capital is Little Rock.

Area, Population, Instruction.— Area 53,850 square miles (805squar8 miles being water).


1860 1890 1900 1910


White 1 I Negro Total ' ^^'^.f'^

324,191 I 111,259

819,062 I 309,117

944,708 ' 366,856

1,131,858 442,891






24-7 .



Including Indians and Asiatics.

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