1,252,322 ; Alabama, 1,757,207 ; S. Carolina, 1,684,096 ; Louisiana, 403,482 ; Arkansas, 972,296 ; N. Carolina, 1,104,781 ;Oklahoma, 1,062,922 ; Tennessee, 479,145; Florida, 85,081; all other States, 155,497. The preliminary returns for 1912 show a ])roduction of 13,820,000 bales, the largest amount coming from Texas (4,850,000).
In 1912 there were under tobacco 1,225,800 acres, which yielded 962,855,000 lbs. of tobacco. The chief tobacco-growing States were Kentucky, 441,000 acres, yielding 3^3,980,000 lbs.; Virginia, 187,000 acres, yielding 112,200,000 lbs. ; Ohio, 86,200 acres, yielding 79,304,000 lbs. ; North Carolina, 179,000 acres, yielding 110,980,000 lbs. ; Wisconsin 42,200 acres, yielding 54,438,000 lbs,; Peunsylvania, 44,200 acres, yielding 64,090,000 lbs.; Tennessee, 110,000 acies, yielding 72,600,000 lbs. ; Con- necticut, 17,500 acres, yielding 29,750,000 lbs.; Maryland, 26,000 acres, yielding 17,160,000 lbs. ; Indiana, 18,700 acres, yielding 14,960,000 Jbs. ; South Carolina, 35,000 acres, yielding 24,500,000 lbs.; New York, '4,000 acres, yielding 5,200,000 lbs.; and Massachusetts, 5,800 acres, yielding 9,860.000 lbs.
The following table exhibits the number of farm animals on Jauuaiy 1 in 1900, 1911, 1912, and 1913 :—
Live Stock
Horses . . ' 13,537,524 Mules . . 2,086,027 Cattle of all kinds | 43,902,414 Sheep . . ! 41,883,065 Swine . i 37,079,356
20,277,000 4,323,000 60,502,000 5.3,633,000 65,620,000
20,509,000 4,362,000 57,959,000 52,362,000 65,410,000
20,567,000 4,386,000 56,527,000 51,482,000 61,178,000
The total value of farm animals in the United States on January 1, 1912, was 5,008,327,000 dollars. On April 15, 1910 (according to census returns), the farm animals were: horses, 19,833,113; mules, 4,209,769; cattle, 61,803,866 ; sheep, 52,447,861 ; swine, 58,185,676; goats, 2,915,125.
In 1905 the factories used 12,183,375,885 pounds of milk, made 531,478,141 lbs. of butter, 317,144,872 lbs. of cheese, and 308,485,182 lbs. of condensed milk. The total value of the products manufactured was 168,182,789 dollars. In addition, butter and condensed milk to the value of 520,317 dollars were made by establishments engaged primarily in the manufacture of other products. Of the States, New York, Wisconsin, and Iowa have the largest dairy industries.
In 1901 the estimated wool clip was 302,502,328 pounds; and in 1911, 318,547,900 pounds.
The census reports for 1905 show that the value of canned vegetables (tomatoes, corn, peas, &c.) for the preceding year was 45,262,148 dollars ; of canned fruits, 11,644,042 dollars, and of dried fruits, 15,664,784 dollars. This industry is most extensive in California, but in other States, notably New York and Maryland, it flourishes
The production of apples in the United States in 1911 amounted to 30,065,000 barrels ; of raisins, 128,000,000 lbs. ; of oranges and lemons to 24,558,000 boxes ; of hops to 223,000 bales. The vintage in California was estimated in 1906 at 35,658,000 gallons; in 1907 at 43,492,000 gallons; in 1908 at 36, 868, 000 gallons; in 1909 at 45,087,000 gallons ; and 42,230,000 gallons in 1910. The prune crop of California was estimated at 170,000,000
pounds in 1911.