tobacco, 13,569/. ; coal, 28,684/. ; timber, 47,535/. ; drapery, 146,425/. ; hardware, 56,601/. ; galvanised iron, 16,610/. ; machinery, 49,323/.; oils, 20,470/.; rails, etc., 21,755/. Principal exports: copra, 294,245/.; green fruit, 151,668/.; molasses, 9,821/.; Trocas shelj, 14,252/.; sugar, 797,274/.
According to the British Board of Trade returns, the imports into the United Kingdom from Fiji in 1912 amounted to 20,129/. ; the exports of U.K. produce to Fiji amounted to 122,460/., and the exports of foreign and colonial produce to 7,911/. The British exports were principally (1911) cotton manu- factures, 41,376/.; iron and steel and manufactures thereof, 12,484/.; and apparel, 11,479/.
Shipping and Communications.
Fiji is in regular steam communication with New Zealand, Australia, Tonga and Samoa, Honolulu and Canada. During 1911 the number of merchant vessels entered at the ports of entry was 140 steamers (all British) of 290,167 tons, and 10 sailing vessels of 5,310 tons. Total tonnage entered and cleared in 1911, 584,935 tons. Registered shipping, 1911, 16 vessels of 2,293 tons ; 288 vessels holding coasting licenses (1911), tonnage, 3,800. There is also a subsidised inter-island steamer.
Local correspondence, 1911, 825,194 letters and postcards, 94,253 book- packets, 323,362 newspapers, 8,365 parcels; foreign correspondence, 588,051 letters, 251,276 newspapers, 139,037 book-packets, and 12,127 parcels. There is a Money Order system with the United Kingdom, Canada, the Australian States, New Zealand, and Tonga. An overland telephone from Suva to Lautoka, 120 miles. Wireless telegraph stations have been erected at Suva, Labasa, and Taviuni.
Money, weights, and measures are the same as in the United Kingdom.
Books of Reference.
Aunual Blue Book and Colonial Office Report.
Calvert and Williams, Fiji and the Fijians.
Colonial Government Handbook to Fiji. Suva.
Gumming {M.\s?i Gordon), At Home in Fiji. London, 1SS2.
GFordo/t and (rotc^. Australian Handbook. Annual. Melbourne.
Grimshaw (Beatrice), From Fiji to the Cannibal Islands. London, 1906.
Handbook of Fiji, U'08.
Home (John), A Year in Fiji: Botanical, Agricultural, and Economical Resources of the Colony. London, 18S1.
Prtfc/iard (W. T.), Polynesian Reminiscences. London, 1866.
S(5ewian(Berthold), Government Mission to the Fijian Islands. London, 1862.
r/iomson(Basil), FijiforTourists. [Canadian-Australian Steamship Line.] London, 1897. — The Fijians, London, 1908.
Waterhouse, Fiji: its King and People.