Government Savings Bank. — During the j^ear ended 30th June, 1912, deposits of the value of 3,504, 621Z. were made. The amount withdrawn during that year was 3,316,111/. The amount due to depositors on June 30, 1912, inchisive of interest, was 4,387,639/., whilst in addition an amount of 12,751/. was due under the head "Schools Savings Bank," the amount deposited in the latter during the year being 9,381/. , and that withdi awn 5,551/,
Books of Reference.
statistical Register.
Census of Western Australia, taken on March 31, 1901. Perth.
Geological Survey. Bulletins. Perth.
Western Australian Official Year-Book. Perth.
Settler's Guide. Perth.
Monthly Statistical Abstract.
Calvert (A. F.), Western Australia: Its History and Progress. 8. London, 1804.— Western Australia and its Gold Fields. 8. London, 1893.— My Fourth Tour in Western Australia. London, 1897.
Carnegie (Hon. D. W.), Spinifex and Sand. London, 1898.
Chambers (T.), Western Australia, Position and Prospects. Perth.
Favene (Ernest), Western Australia : its Past History, Present Trade and Resources and its Future Position in the Australian Group. Sydney, 1887.
Forrest (Sir John), Explorations in Australia. London, 1875.
Hart (F.), Western Australia in 1893. 8. London, 1894.
MennelJ (P.), The Coming Colony. 2nd. ed. 8. London, 1894.
Notes on the Natural History, &c., of Western Australia. Perth, 1903.
Price (J. M.), The Land of Gold. 8. London, 1896.
Taunton (H.), Australind. London 1903.
Ftt'ifiMne (May), Travels in Western Australia. London 1901.
TASMANIA. Constitution and Government.
Tasmania became a British settlement in 1803 as a dependency of New South Wales ; in 1825 its connection with New South Wales was terminated ; in 1851 a partially elective Legislative Council was established and in 1856 responsible government came into operation. There are a Legislative Council and a House of Assembly called the Parliament of Tasmania. The Legislative Council is composed of eighteen members elected by all natural-born or naturalised subjects of the Crown who possess either a freehold worth 10/. a year, or a leasehold of 30/., or are barristers or solicitors on roll of Supreme Court, medical practitioners duly qualified, and all subjects holding a commission, or possessing a degree. Each member is elected for six years. Members of the Legislative Council, and also of the House of Assembly, aie paid 150/. per annum, and have the right to free railway passes. The House of Assembly consists of thirty members, elected by all natural-born or naturalised subjects who have continuously resided in Tasmania for over 12 months. The Assembly is elected for three years. The number of electors for the Legislative Council in 1911 was 25,413 (19,872 males, 5,541 females), or 13*35 per cent, (estimated on mean population of 190,316), and for the House of Assembly, April 30th, 1912, 103,513 (52, 853 males, 50,660 females), or 54 '38 per cent, (estimated on mean population of 190,316), The legisla- tive authority vests in both Houses, while the executive is vested in a
Governor or Administrator appointed by the Crown.