l^^L'^'H' ^*\i ^'""-^ ' '^ Queensland, 3ft. 6iu.; in South Australia, 5ft. Sin.
i% ^«^ '""i?' *?}' '^'ll l^!^- ^^"- 5 "^ W. Australia, 3ft. 6in. ; and in Tasmania, 3it. 6in. (23 miles, 2ft. Om. ).
Private railways in Common wealth, open for general traffic 1911 1 099 miles ; not open for general traffic, 835 miles. ' '
Postal and telegraph business, 1911 : number of Post Offices 5 653 • letters and cards received and despatched, 457,127,788; newspapers, books and circulars, 220,300,598 ; parcels, 3,430,102 : telegrams (1910) 15 538 391
fZ7^tj\'- '■ ^'°^i^A^^' 2,653a04Z.; telegraphs and telephones; 1,254 484^. Expenses : Post Office, telegraphs and telephones, 4,409 079Z.
Wireless telegrapny stations are in operation in all the state capitals, and in (,;ertain other places. During this year (1913), it is expected that the whole continent will be encircled.
On January 20, 1913, the Commonwealth Bank was opened at Sydney.
Books of Reference concerning the Commonwealth of
1. Official Publications.
Bach of the States publishes an Annual Blue Book and Statistical Register, as well as tepartaientT '^^^ ^^^^^^^^^rative, industrial, educational, 'and othei
bv Mr P^r^f ih?? F E\!'"^^^J^"-\'^'^^^"^g ^it t^e Conlnlon^^•ealth have been prepared by Ml. G. H. Knibbs, F.S.S. F. R. A.S., Commonwealth Statistician —
Irade, Customs and Excise Revenue of the Commonwealth Annual
Shipping and Migration Returns. Annual.
omr!!iYRn'^L?^"'f^"^^"'B^^^'*^^^^'^'"^^^ Periodical,
monthl Shipping, Oversea Migration and Finance. Published
Summary of Australian Fuiancial Statistics. Periodical
Summary of Commonwealth Production Statistics. Periodical.
Swial Statistics, No. 1, 1907 ; No. 2, 1908 ; No. 3, 1909 • No 4 1910 to FuTiel'^llUL"^*"' °^ ^'^^ Statistics of the Commonwealth! ' Published quarterly
Vital Statistics of the Commonwealth. Annual
Determination of Population of Australia, 1900-0(i
Suiumary of Commonwealth Demography. Periodical
Bertillon Classification of Causes of Death. First translation issued in 1907 • revised edition issued in 1911. To be issued decennially '
Official Year Book of the Commonwealth of Australia, Annual. The Australian Commonwealth; its Resources and Production Colonial Office List. Published annually. London
2. Non-Official Publications.
Lomron'l8^". ^'^ ""^ ^^' ^^•^•^' ^°^^^ Warburton's Journey across Australia.
Bounie (H. R.), The Story of Our Colonies. London ISOn Austa^ ^Lon2;,?895°"'°'"' ^"^'""" London/lSPS. The Exploration of
in fiSraVasia?' t:c;ndon"l9?e."'**'^' '^^"- ^^^«^'^«""-' m5.-The Labour Movement
CoZJin9rrtd^e(G.), The Discovery of Australia. Sydnev 1895 CmT(E. M.), The Australian Race. J J'
D'Au7ict(B.), L'Aurore Australie. Paris, 1907 Davitt (M ) Life and Progress in Australia. London, 1898 Dawson (J.), Australian Aborigines.
Z),Z/re (Sir Charles Wentworth, Bart., M.P.), Greater Britain : a Record of Travel ii, '^^"•^\«,^Speaking Countries in 1866 and 1867. New edit. London, 188? '^'^^'^"
En.^:w\ %^^,^' "^^^T of Greater Britain. 2 vols. Londo^, 1890. A2jp8(W.), The Land Systems of Australia. London 1804
- ave7ic(E.), Explorers of Australia. Melbourne, 1908
Forrest (John), Explorations in Australia. London, 1875 i^lTJ ft ^\^Vi^' ^"stralia : The Making of a Nation. London, 1910. «iL /^ ^• ^'K^'^^^^r^' ^^' England and her Colonies. London, 1886. Gties(E.), Australia Twice Traversed. 2 vols. London, 1890.