290,200; cotlee, 4,120; ground provisions, 2G,500 ; coconuts, 18,700; pasture, 20,070. There is a large so-called pitch lake in the island. Oil is being exploited in the south and south-east of the island with satisfactory results. Total exports of asjjhalt, 1911, 169,478 tons, valued at 194,936/. Railway 8H miles of 4ft. 82in gauge ; 167 miles of telegraph and 3,500 miles (wire) telephone (1911-12). There are two branches of the Colonial Bank with note circulation of about 200. 000/., and also two branches of the Royal Bank of Canada. Government savings-bank, depositors (1911), 22,029 ; deposits (Dec. 31), 369,076/. Police force, 6<'8 all ranks (31 March, 1912).
In Tobago the culture of rubber, cotton and tobacco has been intro- duced. The cacao industry is receiving increasing attention. The island is much frequented by visitors from England and the United States.
Virgin Islands. See Leeward Islands.
Consist of Grenada, St. Vincent, the Grenadines (half under St. Vincent, half under Grenada), and St. Lucia, and form the eastern barrier to the Caribbean Sea between Martinique and Trinidad.
Governor <k Commander-in-Chief. — Sir James Hayes Sadler, K.C.M.G., C.B. (2,500/. — resident at St. George's, Grenada). Each island has its own institutions ; there is no common legislature, laws, revenue, or tariff ; there is a Common Court of Appeal, and the colonies unite for certain other common purposes Legal currency, British sterling, and United States gold coins. The Colonial Bank issues 5-dollar notes
Grenada. There is a Legislative Council consisting of the Governor with 6 other official and 7 unofficial members nominated by the Crown. Each district has a semi-elective Board for local affairs. Area 133 square miles ; population, census 1911, 66,750 ; birth rate 37 '88, death rate 18'66 per 1,000. There are (1911) 49 Government and Government-aided elemen- tary schools, with 10,905 pupils and average attendance, 5,377 ; Government grant (1911-12) 4,975/.; and a secondary school for boys with 72 pupils ; Government grant, 512/. In 1911 there were 1,514 summary convictions, and 22 in superior courts. There were (1911) about 30,200 acres under cultivation. Sugar manufacture is decreasing, rum is produced locally, 63,356 gallons in 1911. Important products exported are cocoa, 64,203 bags in 1911 ; nutmegs, 9,087 cwt. ; other spices, 1,261 cwt. ; raw cotton, 2,448 cwt. ; cotton seed, 6,052 CAvt. In 1911, 1,741 depositors in savings banks ; balance (Dec, 31) 25,594/. There are 600 miles of telephone line in the island.
The largest of the Grenadines attached to Grenada is Carriacou ; area, 6,913 acres; population, census 1911, 6,886. Under a land settlement scheme, begun by the Government in 1903, operations up to December 31, 1911, comprised the purchase of estates costing (directly and indirectly) 8,449/., and the disposal of 375 allotments of the value of 7,607/., of which 6,207/. had been received, the balance being payable in annual instalments.
St. Vincent. Administrator and Colonial Secretary, The Hon. C. Gideon Murray. The Legislative Council consists of 3 official and 4 nominated unofficial members. Area, 150 square miles; population, census 1911, 41,877 ; estimated on March 31, 1912, 43,117. Capital, Kingstown, population, 4,300 (1911 census). Births (1911-12), 1,790 ; deaths, 914 ; marriages, 153. Education (1911-12): 26 primary schools; 4,475 pupils on rolls; 2,193