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MoNTSEBEAT. Nominated Executive} and Legislative Councils. Chief town, Plymouth, 1,534. Revenue (1911-12), 13,195Z.; expenditure, 10,292?. Imports, 44,795Z. ; exports, 55,930Z. Chief products cotton, sugar, lime- juice, cotton seed, cattle and papain ; 1,000 acres under lime trees. Savings bank (1911) 215 depositors. 3,869Z. deposits.

Gomniiasioncr. — Lt. -Colonel W. B, Davidson- Houston, C.M.G.

St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis (with Anguilla) have one Executive Cpuncil nominated and a Legislative Council of 6 official and 6 nominated unofficial members. Chief town of St. Kitts, Basseterre: 8,159 ; of Nevis, Charlestown, 1,100. Revenue (1911-12), 58,002Z : ex- penditure, 50,736Z. Imports, 306,666?.; exports, 212,481/. Chief produce : sugar, cotton, and rum. Anguilla produces cotton and salt. Savings Bank (1911) 807 depositors, 25,951Z. deposits. Adminidrator. — T. I;. Roxburgh, C.M.G.

Virgin Lslanus consist of all the group not occupied by Denmark except Crab Island, which belongs to U.S. America. Nominated Executive Council. Chief town, Road town in Tortola Island, [lopulation (1911), 410. Mostly peasant proprietors ; sugar, cotton and limes cultivated. Revenue (1911-12), 7,860/. : expenditure, 6,107/. Imports (1911), 9,570/. : exports, 8,852/. Savings bank (1911-12), 99 depositors, 706/. deposits. Commis- sioner. — T. L, H. Jarvis.

Sombrero is a small island in the Leeward Islands group, attached administratively to the Presidency of the Virgin Islands. Phosphate of lime used to be quarried, and there is a Board of Trade lighthouse,

Dominica. Nominated Executive Council, and Legislative Council of 12 nominated members. Chief town, Roseau. Revenue (1911-12), 44,054/. ; expenditure, 38,794/. Imports, 164,695/.: exports, 124,678/. Chief products, coffee, fruit, cocoa and limes. Savings bank (1911), 830 depository, with 15,403/. deposits. Telephone line, 300 miles. Dominica contains a Carib settlement with a population of about 400, the majority being of mixed Negro blood, but about 100 apparentl}'^ pure Caribs. Administrator. — Doijglas Young, C.M.G.


Immediately i^orth of the mouth of the Orinoco, includes Tobago adminis- tratively.

Governor.— ^ix G. R. Le Hiinte, G.C.M.G. (5,000/.), with Executive Council of 5 official members and a Legislative Council of 10 official and 11 unofficial members, all nominated,

Area : Trinidad, 1,754 square miles; Tobago 114. Population : census,

1911, 330,074 (170,195 males and 159,879 females): estimated 31 March,

1912, 340,000. Capital, Trinidad, Port of S})ain, 60,000. The population is mostly of mixed African, and European blood, the oldest Eurojiean elements being French and Spanish. A French patois is spoken, and in some places Spanish, but these are in general confined to the cocoa planting districts. Births (1911-12), 11,674 ; deaths, 7,870. F:ducation, 1911-12 : 265 elementary (53 governnient) schools, 49,497 pupils, average daily attendance, 27,815 ; total exjtenditure, public funds and private contributions, on elementaiy education, 53,617/. Secondary education is l>rovided by the Queen's Royal College (217 students at t-nd of 1911-12); St. Mary's College (259 students) ; Naparima College (72 .'-cholars) ; and St. Joseph Convent School (248 students). In 1911-12 the number of summary convictions was 16,958. Of the total area 1,190,500 acres, about

586,220 acres have been alienated. Under sugar-cane, 62,600 acres ; cacao.

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