Governor., — Brigadier-General Sir William Henry"; Manning, K.G.M.G., O.B., appointed Jan. 21, 1913 (5,000Z.), assisted by a Privy Council and a Legislative Council, consisting of the Governor as President and of 5 ex-oflBcio, 10 nominated, and 14 elected members. The term of service is limited, in the case of elected members only, to five years. There are lioards elected in each parish (15) for administration of local affairs.
Attached to it are Turks and Caicos Islands, Cayman Islands, Mqrant Cays, and Pedro Cays. Area of Jamaica, 4,200 square miles ; Turks and Caicos Islands, &c., 224 square miles. Total, 4,424 square miles. Population (census, 1911) : Jamaica, 831,383 (males, 397,439 ; females, 433,944) ; white 15,605 ; coloured, 163,201 ; black, 630,181 ; East Indian, 17,380 ; Chinese, 2,111 ; notstated, 2,905. Capital, Kingston, 57,379. Kingston, destroyed l>y an earthquake and fire on January 14, 1907, is being rebuilt. Other towns — Spanish Town, 7,119; Port Antonio, 7,074 ; Montego Bay, 6,616 ; Savann?^- la-Mar, 3,400; Port Maria, 2,833; St. Ann's Bay, 2,592; Falmouth, 2,288. Births (1911-12), 32,750; deaths, 18,383; marriages, 3,607. Total East India immigrants on March 31, 1912, 18,631, of whom 2,841 were lender indentures.
There is no Established Church. The churches and chapels are as fol- lows :— Church of England, 237 ; Presbyterian, 82 ; Roman Catholic, 44 ; Wesleyan Methodist, 127 ; Baptist, 200 ; Moravian, 29 ; Christian Church, 23 ; Congregational, 30 ; United Methodist fr^e Church, 45 ; Church of Scotland, 12 ; Salvation Army, 20 ; Seventh Day Adventists, 38 ; Jevyisb, 3 ; no accurate statistics of members.
In 1911-12 there were 698 public elementary schools, 98,576 childreu enrolled, average attendance 61,669. Government grants, 60,503Z. Three training colleges for women, 65 students ; one for men, 74 students. Ta\o secondary schools largely supported by Government. There fvre endowed secondary and high schools and industrial schools.
There is a high court of justice, circuit courts, and a resident magistrate in each parish. Total summary convictions (1911-12), 15,037; before superior courts, 6,743. Prisoners in gaol, March 31, 1912, 1,217. In 1911-12 there were 950 police officers and 895 district constables.
Revenue, 1911-12, 1,161,014/. (the main heads being : customs, 494,361/.; railway, 190,006/. ; post-office and telegraphs, 48,726/.) ; expenditure, 1,155,208/. (the main heads being: debt charges, 245,535/.; railway, 98,595/. ; postal and telegraph service, 41,451/. ; medical, 68,933/. : con- stabulary and prisons, 91,970/. ; education, 82,329/. ; puMic works and buildings, 203,632/.) (For other financial statistics, a^d for statistics of trade and shipping, see pages 290-2).
Acres under cultivation and care in 1911-12, 941,708, of which 280,286 were under tillage, and 661,422 under pasture. Under sugar-cane, 34,766 acres; coffee, 24,473; bananas, 82,435; tobacco, 804; tea, 80; cocoanuts, 16,691 ; corn, 597; oranges, 1,545 ; cocoa, 13,355 ; ground provisions and mixed cultivation, 105,540 ; Guinea grass, 143,592 ; common pasture, 421,438 ; common pasture and pimento, 96,392.
On March 31, 1912, there were 36,560 depositors in the Government Sa\ ings Bank, the balance at credit amounting to 332,664/. The legal coinage is that of Great Britain ; but various American coins are also current. Notes of the Colonial Bank and of the Bank of Nova Scotia are current ; their average total circulation in 1910-11 was 63,310/. and 102,889/. respectively.
There is a garrison of Regular Troops^ and a local artillery militia and rifle corps. Port Royal is strongly fortified.
Registered shipping of Kingston 1911-12, 36 sailing vessels of 1,799 tons;