Railways, 95 miles ot various gauges : 4it. 8^in., oft. 6iu., and 3ft. 3/,iu. ; 450 miles river navigation ; 12 miles of canals ; 264 miles of good roads. There are 74 post-offices, of which 44 are telegraph offices, 49 money order offices, 49 savings banks, and 9 travelling post offices. There are about 560 miles of post-office telegraphs and cables, and a telephone exchange in Georgetown and New Amsterdam having (1911-12) 1,450 miles of aerial wire, and 5| miles of cables, with 705 subscribers ; 94 miles of la^id line are also maintained for railway, telephones, and signals.
Accounts are kept in dollars and cents, the dollar being equal to 45. 2(1. In circulation are British gold, silver and bronze coin with some silver ' bits, '— fourpenny pieces — local coins.
References: Blue Book of the Colonj% and Colonial Report. Annual.
(ireneral Information with regard to the Gold, Diamond and Forest Industries of British Guiana. Issued by the Government.
Anderson (C. W.), Compendium of General Information relating to British Guiana. Issued by tiie Government, 1012.
liayley {G. D.), Handbook of British Guiana. Lonrlon, 1009.
Bronkhnrst (H. V. P.), Descriptive and Historical Geography of British Guiana and West India Islands. Demerara, 1890.
Crookall (Jj.), British Guiana : Work among Creoles, Coulies, &c. London, 1898.
Harrison (J. B.), British Guiana and its Resources. London, The West India Com- mittee, 1907.— The Goldfields of British Guiana. London, 1908.
Harrison (J. B.) and Stockdale (F. A.), RuUas and Balata in British Guiana. British Guiaun, 1911.
Im Thurn (E. F.), Among the Indians of Guiana. London, 1883.
Kirke (H ), Twenty-tive Years in British Guiana. London, 1808.
Rodway (J.), History of British Guiana. Georgetown, 1893. — Handbook of British Guiana. Georgetown.— In the Guiana Forest. London, 1894.— Guiana : British, Dutch, an;i French. London, 1012.
Foc«.r (Sir G. W. des), My Colonial Servic*. in British Guiana St. Lucia, Arc. 2 vols. London, 1903.
See also under Venezuela.
Governor.— Co]one\ Sir E. J. E. Swayne, K.C.M.G., C.B. (1,800^.), assisted by an Executive Council of six members, and a Legislative Council consisting of three official and five unofficial members.
A Crown colony on the Caribbean Sea, south of Yucatan, and 660 miles west from Jamaica, noted for its production of mahogany and logwood. Area, 8,598 square miles. Population at census of MarcirSl,"^ 1901, 37,479 (19,140 males, and 18,339 females) ; on April 2, 1911 (een.^us), 40,458 (20,374 males, and 20,084 females). The birth-rate per 1,000 (1911) M'as 42*4, and the death-rate 24 '8. Illegitimate births, 40•4^* per cent, of births. In 1911 there were 412 marriages. Primary schools (1911), 46 ; children enrolled, 5,026 ; average attendance, 3,551 ; there are 10 primary schools receiving no grant ; Government grant (expended), 3,712/. There are 6 schools with secondary departments with altogether about 290 pupils. Four are under denominational management and none receive aid from Govern- ment, The town of F.elize is a Centre for the Cambridge Loral Examina- tions. In 1911, 1,092 persons were convicted in police courts, and 50 in the Supreme Court, The police force contains (January 1st, 1912) 101 men,
5 short of full strength ; the volunteer force 255 men of all ranks. Chief