Leading exports, 1911 : Wool, 150,134Z. ; whale oil, 270,762/. ; tallow, 8,830/. ; skins and hides, 17,484/. Chief imports, 1911 : Groceries, &c., 19,121/. ; coal, 3,798/. ; timber, 8,483/. ; wearing apparel, &c., 9,056/. ; hardware, &c., 13,081/. Imports from United Kingdom (1911), 86,597/. ; exports to United Kingdom, 311,750/.
Chief industry, sheep-farming; about 2,325,000 acres pasturage. Horses 3,550, cattle 7,860, sheep 706,000 in 1911. The whaling industry is carried on successfully, the total value of the products of the industry in 1911^being 1,026,415/. in 1911 83 vessels of 173,796 tons entered, and 77 of 176,889 tons cleared. On September 30, 1911, the Savings Bank held a balaiice ol 69,971/. belonging to 471 depositors. 69,578 letters and postcards, 78,246 newspapers and 5,672 parcels passed through the Post Office in 1911.
Fortnightly communication with Great Britain. Intermsular Mail service is "carried on by a steamboat. There is a telephone exchange at Stanley, and a telephone line from Stanley to Darwin. Wireless telegraphy is being introduced.
Money, Weights, and Measures.— ^Ame as in Great Britain. Also 7,500/. worth of currency notes of 5/., 1/., and 5s.
References : Annual Report on the Colbuy. , ,, ttt 1 1
Darww (C. R.), Journal of Researches, &c. during a Voyage Round the World
^^Murdoch'c^. G. B.), From Edinburgh to the Antarctic (1S92-93). London, 18!«t. Skottsberg (Carl), Geographical Journal. Vol. xx.
Governor.-Hh' Walter Egerton, K.C.M.G. (5,000/. and 1,000/. Con- tingencies).
Government Secretary.— 0. T. Cox, C.M.G. (l,350/.-l,500/.)
Includes the settlements of Demerara, Essequibo, and Berbice, named from the three rivers. The Governor is assisted by a Court of Policy of seven official and eight members elected by the registered voters and a Combined Court, containing, in addition to the above, six financial representa- tives elected by the registered voters. The Combined Court considers the Estimate of Expenditure, raises the Ways and Means to meet it, and this Court alone can levy taxes. Executive and administrative t^"ictions are exercised by the Governor and an Executive CounciL There are 4,050 re.ristered electors. The Roman-Dutch Law is in force m civil cases, modihed bf orders in Council and local ordinances ; the criminal law is based on that of Great Britain. ^^_, , ,.
Area, 90.277 square miles. Population at census 1911, excluding aborigines in the unfrequented parts of the colony, 296,000 (males 154,000, femafes 142,000). Births (1911) 8,530; deaths (l^^J) f'f,^. .Capita , Georgetown, 54,000. Living on sugar estates (census 1911), 70,92A imrai- gratiSn Department estimate East Indians, 62;2>)0; in villages and settlements 125,800, East Indians, 70,800. Of the total, 105,400 were agric-ultural labourers. Immigrants from India (1911-12), 1,749 ; return emigrants, 802. 221 schools received Government grant (30,398/. in 1911-12) ; 35,430 pupils, average daily attendance, 21,561.
Paupers (1911-12) receiving out-door relief, 1,834.