The value of the mineral production of the province for three years was as follows :— 1911, 8,567,143 dollars; 1910, 7,323,281 dollars; 1909, 5,552,062 dollars. The mineral produce includes asbestos (2,939,006 dollars in 1911), cement (1,931,183 dollars), chalk (1,081,059 dollars).
In 1911 there were 6,584 industrial establishments in the province, with a capital of 326,946,925 dollars, employing 158.207 wage-earner^, and producing commodities to the value of 350,901,656 dollars.
CommilllicatiOTlS. — Quebec had 3,882 miles of railway in 1911 as compared with 3,576 in 1907 ; and 475,947 miles of telephone wire, 458,166 miles being urban and 17,781 miles rural.
Books of Reference.
Reports of variuus Government Depaitments.
See also under Canada.
Willson (B.), Quebec : The Lav.ientian Province, li»lo.
Constitution and Government.— Saskatchewan was made a province (m September 1, 1905, before which it was parL of the North-West Territories. The Provincial Government is vested in a Lieutenant-Governor and a Legis- lative Assembl y of 54 members, elected for 4 years. Present state of parties : — Liberals, 46 ; Conservatives, 8.
Lieutenant-Governor .—Yli'^ Honour George William Brown.
The members of the Ministry are as follows : —
Premier and Minister of Education. — Hon. Walter Scott.
Attorney General and Provincial Secretary. — Hon. Alphouse Turgeon.
Minister of Railways and Telephones. — Hon. J. A. Calder.
Minister of Agriculture. — Hon. W. R. Motherwell.
Minister of Public Works. —Mow. A. P. McNab.
Provincial Treasurer. — Hon. George Bell.
Minister <f Municipal Ajjairs. — Hon. George Langley.
Area and Population. — The area of the province is 251,700 sq. miles. Area of Inke surface, 5,330,900 acres. The population in 1911 numbered 492,432 (291,730 males and 200,702 females), or 0*58 to the square mile. In 1901 the population Avas 91,279, showing an increase by 1911 of 439-48 per cent. The rural poinilation in 1911 was 361,067 (73,729 in 1901) ; the number of houses, 118,283 (17,645 in 1901) ; the number of families, 120,751 (19,089 in 1901). Population of principal cities (1911): Eegina (capital), 30,213; Moosejaw, 13,823; Saskatoon, 12,004; Prince Albert, 6,254.
Instruction. — The ]>rovince has one University, the University of Saskatchewan, established April 3, 1907. The right to legislate on rnatters relating to education is left to the province, which has .39,653 pupils and 1,298 teachers in its public schools.
Finance. — Li 1911 the revenue of the province amounted to 2,698,189 dollars and the expenditure 2,549,241. The capital expenditure on pirblic works and the buildings of the Univer.sity of Sasketchewan was 2,174,090