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Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Canada and British North America.

1. Official Publications.

Annual Reports of fciie various Government Departments. Ottawa.

Census of Canada, decennial. Ottawa.

Public Accounts and Estimates of Canada for the fiscal j'car ending June 30. Annual. Ottawa.

Reports on Canadian Archives.

Repurt to tlie Boaid of Trade on the North- West of Canada, with Special Reference to Wheat Production for Export. By James Mavor. London, 1905.

Report of the Auditor-General on Appropriation Accounts for the year ending June 30. Annual. Ottawa.

Reports (Annual) of the Geological Survey of Canada. Ottawa.

Report on the Forest Wealth of Canada, by George Johnson, P.S.S. (hon.) Ottawa, 1895.

Report, Returns, and Statistics of the Inland Revenues of the Dominion of Canada, for t!ie fiscal year ending June 30. Annual. Ottawa,

Canada Year Book, prepared by Chief Officer, Census and Statistics Office Ottawa.

Statistical Abstract for the several Colonial and other Possessions of the United Kingdom. Annual. London.

Trade Report Published by the Department of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. Annual.

Tables of the Trade and Navigation of the Dominion of Canada, for the fiscal year ending Marcli 31. Annual. Ottawa.

Chambers {Ca-pt. Ernest J.), The Canadian Parliamentary Guide and Work of General Reference for the Dominion of Canada, 190S. Ottawa, 190ti.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Adam (G. M.), The Canadian North-West: its History and its Troubles, with the Narrative of Three Insurrections. Toronto, 1885.

Adams (J.), Ten Thousand Miles through Canada. London, 1912.

Argyll (The Duke of), Yesteiday and 'lo-day in Canada. London, 1910.

Baedeker's The Dominion of Canada with Newfoundland, and an Excursion to Alaska. By J. F. Muirhead. 3rd ed., London, 1907.

Bourinot (Sir J, G.), Manual of the Constitutional History of Canada. Montreal, 1888. —How Canada is Governed. London, 1895.— Historical and Descriptive Account of Cape Breton. Montreal. 1892.— Canada. [In ' Story of the Nations ' Series]. New ed. London, 1900.— Canada and the United States. [Constitutional Systems Compared.] Philadelphia, 1898.— Canada under British Rule, 1760-1900. Cambridge, 1900.— Lord Elgin. 'Makers of Canada ' Series. London, 190G.

Bradshaw (F.), Self-Government in Canada and How it was Won. London, 1903.

Bradley (A. G.), Canada in the Twentieth Century. New ed., London, 1906.

Bramley-Moore (\.), Canada and her Colonies. London, 1911.

Briti.sh Colunibia Year Book. Victoria, B.C.", 1912.

Brown (A. G.), British Columbia. Its History, People, Commerce, Industries, and Resources. London, 1912.

iSri/ce (G.), Manitoba: its Infancy, Gronvth, and Present Position. London, 1882. The Remarkable History of the Hudson Bay Company. London, 1900.

Buron (E. J. P.), Les Flichesses du Canada. Paris, 1904.

Canadian Annual Review. Toronto. Annual.

Ghapleau (Ron. J. A.), Constitvition and Government of Canada. 16. Montreal, 1894.

Cockburn {A. P.), Political Annals of Canada. London, 1909.

Coleman (A. P.), The Canadian Rockies.

Copping (A. E.), Canada : To-day and To-morrow. London, 1911.

Daioson (8. B.), North America. Vol. I. [In Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel.] London, 1897.— The St. Lawrence Basin and its Borderlands. London, 1905.

Dawson (Sir W.), Fifty Years' Work in Canada. London, 1901.

Denison (G. T.), Soldiering in Canada. London, 1900.

DionneCS E.), Champlain. ' Makers of Canada ' Series. London, 1906.

Douglas (J,), Old France in the New World. Cleveland and London, 1905.

Egerton (H. E.), and Grant (W. L.), Canadian Constitutional Development, London, 1007.

i^aiMion (Abbe), Histoirede la Colonic frangaise en Canada. 2vols. Fol. Montreal, 1865.

Fraser (J. J.), Canada as it is. London, 1905.

Qarneau (F. X.), Histoire du Canada depuis sadecouvertejusqu'anos jours. Montreal, 1882.

Gosnell(R. E.), Year Book of British Columbia.. London.

Griffith{W. L.), The Dominion of Canada. London, 1911.


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