and slave dealing is now practically non-existent in the Protectorate. In 1910, 1,842 slaves were liberated. The headquarters are at Zungeru, about eighty miles up the Kaduna River.
Justice.— There is a supreme Court of Justice, and in each province a Provincial Court consisting of the Resident and his assistants, and such justices of the peace as may be appointed by the Governor. Native courts exist in Mohammedan localities where there are chiefs and coun- cillors, and amongst pagan tribes Judicial Councils with limited judicial powers have been established in localities where the intelligence of the natives renders such a policy possible. The orders of the native courts are enforced by police constables, known as * Dogarai.' There are cantonments at Zungeru on the Kaduna and Lokoja on the Niger, and there magistrates have been appointed. The number of persons apprehended or summoned before all the Courts (except native courts) in 1911 was 2,996. The offences ^yere -.—Offences against the person, 402 ; Offences against the Slavery Law, QQ; Offences against property, 632; Miscellaneous offences, 1,896; total, 2,996. 2,608 persons were convicted.
Religion and Education.— Mohammedanism is widely diffused, the Fulani and Hausas and other ruling tribes being of that religion, but in some parts of the territory paganism is predominant, Protestant and Catholic missions are at work, and have industrial and other schools at several stations. An Education Department has been established. The principles governing the education of natives in the Egyptian Soudan are being closely followed in the Protectorate. Secular subjects only are compulsory ; the acceptance of religious teaching is optional, but at present as the schools are situated at Kano, a great Mohammedan centre, all the impils are Mohammedan and instruction on the Koran given by Mallamai (Moslem scholars) is generally adopted.
Defence. — The military force consists of 3 companies of mounted infantry, 2 Ijattalions of infantry, and 1 battery of artillery with 101 European officers, 61 European non-commissioned officers, and 2,969 native ranks. The police force consists of 18 European officers and about 700 native police.
Finance. — Revenue and expenditure for 5 years : —
1907-08 1908-09 1909-10 1910-11 1911-1-21
& 508,005 538,445 520,436 619,989 962,292
498,302 540,644 566,843 565,760 827,930
1 The increases in 1911-12 are due to the inclusion in that year, for the first time, of the revenue and expenditure on account of the native aiiministration.
The main items of revenue in 1911-12 were :— Land Revenue, 413,933^. ; Customs dues, 28,038^. ; Railway earnings, 44,059Z. ; Imperial grant-in-aid, 347,000Z. ; and 70,OOOZ. paid by S. Nigeria in consideration of Customs duties collected on the coast. The chief items of expenditure in 1911-12 Y^rere : — Provincial Administration, 90,037^. ; West African Fiontier Force,
158. 947?. ; Native Affairs, 196,925?. ; Post and Telegraphs, 27,37