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tea, in 1910, 2,090,000 lbs. In 1909, 2,527,000 lbs. of tobacco were pro- duced. The leading crops for export are sugar, tea, maize, and wattle bark.

Cotton cultivation has been recently introduced, but is, as yet, only in the experimental stage, though decidedly promising.

The live stock in 1911 numbered 75,567 horses, 456,087 cattle, 1,519,258 sheep, 110,332 pigs.

The Colony is rich in mineral wealth, and while the coal industry is ad- vancing, several gold mines on a small scale are successfully worked. During the year 1911, the output of coal and gold was as follows : — -Coal, 2,392,456 tons, valued at 725,448/. ; gold (Sue), 1,706 ozs., valued at 7,246Z. The average number of persons employed at coal mines in 1911 was 11,591.

Among tlie valuable minerals known to exist in the Colony are asbestos, copper ore, fireclay, gold, graphite, gypsum, iron ore, lead and silver ore, limestone and marble, manganese ore, mica, molybdenum ore, nickel ore, nitre, oil shale, and tin ore. Attention is being increasingly devoted to prospecting for gold, that metal being found very Avidely distributed botli in quartz and ' banket ' reefs.

A Whaling Industry has been established at Durban, and is carried on by six companies. In 1911 the number of Avhales killed and landed was 992 humpbacks, 2 blue, 7 shad, 3 herring, 2 right, and 12 rorguele. To July, 1912 the captures numbered 188.

CoiXimerCe. — Since the coming into effect of the Union there are no special records made for eacli of the Provinces ; the Board of Trade statistics, however, continue to give details of trade between the United Kingdom and each Province separately. The following figures show the value of the trade between Natal Province and the United Kingdom for five years : —

Imports from Natal Exports of U.K. produce and manufac. to NTatal






1,821,969 3,537,600




£ 2,081,907

£ 2,092,687

5,090.422 I 4,540,343




The more important imports and exports in 1911 were: — Imports: maize, 1S1,490Z. ; raw hides, 250,051?. ; sheep's wool (29,509,761 lbs.), 1,047,029Z. Exports : cotton, 364,767/. ; machinery, 472,004/. ; iron and steel goods, 714,055/. ; apparel, 497,532/.

Statistical and other Books of Eeference.

Colonial Office List. Annual. London.

Statistical Ab.stract for the several colonial andother possessions of the United Kingdom. Annual London.

Barnett (P. A.) and Sweeney (A. W.), Natal : the State and the Citizen. London, 1904.

Bwi(John), The Annals of Natal, 1495-1845. 8. Pietermaritzburg, 1888

Broofcs (Henry), Natal : a History and Description of the Colony. 8. London, 1887.

CiiiMn.pi«ori/rs Natal Almanac. Annual. Durban.

Ingram (J. F.), Natalia : History of Natal and Zululand. London, 1897.

Norris-Ne%oman (G. L.), In Zululand with the British. London, 1879.

Peace (Walter), Our Colony of Natal. Published by permission of the Natal Govern- ment. London, 1884. Notes on Natal. London, 1893.

Rohin»on (Sir J.), A Lifetime in South Africa. London, 1900.

Rowell (T.), Natal and the Boers. London, 1900.

Russell(R.), Natal, the Land and its Story. 6th ed. London, 1900.

Statham (F. R.), Blacks, Boers, and British. London, 1882.

Tatloxv (A H.), Natal Province: Descriptive Guide and Official Handbook. Durban and London, 1912.

TroHopf? (Anthony), South Africa. 2 vols. 8. London, 1878.

Twentieth Century Impressions of Natal. Natal, 1906

Tyle (J.), Forty Years in Zululand. (Missionary work.) Boston, 1891.

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