< Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1913.djvu
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area of 35,290 square miles, with a seaboard of about 360 miles. The climate is sub-tropical on the coast and somewhat colder inland. It is well suited to Europeans. The Province is divided into 42 Magisterial Divisions.

The European population has more than trebled since 1879. The returns of the total population in 1891, 1901 and at the censuses of April 17, 1904, and May 7, 1911, were :—








Europeans ....

Indians and Asiatics





97,109 100,918 910,727 1

98,582 141,568 951,808

Grand totals .



1 108,754 2


1 Including, in 1904, 6,886 "mixed" and others. •" 2 Including 3,774 British troops and their dependents, in 1904, and 1,102 in 1911, and 474 passengers on the railway in 1904, and 755 in 1911.

The figures for 1891 exclude Zululand ; those for 1904 and 1911 in- clude the districts of Vryheid, Utrecht, Paulpietersburg, Ngotshe, and Babanango. The number of males in 1911 was 567,574, and of females, 624,384.°

Population of the borough of Durban according to the census of May 7 1911, 72,512, consisting of Europt^ans, 33,271, natives (including half-castes), 18,662, Indians and Asiatics, 20,579; and of Pietermaritzburg, 30,539, consisting of 14,848 Europeans, 7,691 Indians and Asiatics, 8,000 natives, including half-castes.

So far as registered, the births in 1911 numbered 5,924 ; deaths, 1,955 ; and marriages, 2,092. Immigrants (1911), 17,583 (including 6,233 from the United Kingdom) ; emigrants, 13,325 (including 5,576 to the United King- dom). These figures exclude inter-provincial migration.

Instruction. — With the exception of Higher Education, which has been placed under the control of the Union Government, Education comes under the Provincial Administration. There are 2 Government high schools, 57 Government primary schools, 2 Government art schools, 5 Government Indian schools, 2 Government schools for coloured children, besides 119 Government-aided schools, and 124 Government-aided farmhouse schools for European children. Also there are 2 Technical Institutes, 31 Indian schools, 198 native schools, and 23 coloured schools, all of which receive Government aid ; and a considerable number of private schools in the province. Four of the aided schools are secondaiy schools for girls. The aggregate number of European pupils in regular attendance at the Government and inspected schools was 15,968 for 1911 ; the average daily attendance 85 per cent, of the number on the registers At the Govern- ment high schools there is an average daily attendance of 659 pujuls. About 3,300 children attend private unaided schools, and it is estimated that only a small percentage of white children are receiving no education. The number of European children receiving gratuitous education in 1911 was 2,707. The direct Government expenaiture on Government schools for 1911 was 92,576Z. (excluding expenditure for furniture, buildings, but including maintenance). Fees paid by pupils in Government schools

for 191 f, 19,367Z.

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