is prescribed by the Orders iu Gouncil of 1898, 1903, 1909, aud 1911, To assist the Company's Administrator there is an Executive Council consisting of not less than three members appointed, for three years, by the Company with the approval of the Secretary of State.
The Legislative Council consists of the Administrator (president), five nominees of the Company approved by the Secretary of State, and seven members elected by the registered voters.^ The duration of each Legislative Council is three years, unless it be sooner dissolved. Ordinances passed by the Legislative Council when assented to by the High Commissioner take effect immediately, but within a year may be disallowed by the Secretary of State. There is a Resident Commissioner (who is also Commandant General) appointed by the Secretary of State ; he has a seat on both the Executive and Legislative Councils, but without a vote. For the administra- tion of justice there is a High Court with civil and criminal jurisdiction. In the districts there are Magistrates' Courts. There is a secretary for Native Affairs, two chief Native Commissioners, with subordinate Native Com- missioners and Assistant Native Commissioners, and, except with respect to arms, ammunition, and liquor, natives and Europeans are under the same conditions. Land has been set apart for tribal settlements, the mineral rights being reserved to the Company ; but, if the native occupation is disturbed, new land must be assigned, disputes being ultimately referable to the High Commissioner. There is iu Rhodesia about 100 million acres of unalienated land (excluding native reserves), about half being in Southern Rhodesia.
Southern Rhodesia has an area of 148,575 square miles, and is divided into two provinces, MatabelelandandMashonaland. According to the census taken on May 7, 1911, the European population of the former was 11,039, and of the latter 12,543. The native population of Southern Rhodesia on the same dale was 743,640 (Mashonaland 497,165, and Matabeleland 246,475). There were also 2,249 Asiatics and other coloured persons. Both tracts of country are rich in gold reefs and other minerals, and are well adapted for agriculture and European settlement. Unimproved land in Southern Rhodesia can at present be obtained from the British South Africa Company from about 4.s. an acre, and, subject to the fulfilment of a simple occupation condition, it can be purchased outright or leased with option of purchase.
A Land Bank has been established which makes loans to settlers on easy terms of repayment, for the purpose of improving and developing their agricultural holdings.
The chief towns are Salisbury (the capital of Southern Rhodesia), Bulawayo, Victoria, Umtali, Gwelo, Enkeldoorn, Melsetter, Rusapi, Hartle}^, Selukwe, Tuli, Gwanda, and Gatooma.
Southern Rhodesia is widely mineralised, and gold-bearing deposits have been discovered in many districts. Numerous companies have been formed with the purpose of develojung land and minerals in the country, Avhile the principal feature of the gold-mining industry of recent years has been the large increase iu the number of properties worked on tribute on a small scale. The number of separate properties actually producing gold during Octobei-, 1911. was 162. The total output of gold from 1890 to 31st October, 1911, was 4,968,289 ounces, valued at 19,240,263/. The output of minerals in 1912 was: gold, value, 2,707, 369Z. ; silver, 176,532 oz. ; chrome ore, 69,260 tons; lead (1911), 639 tons, value, 7,82U. ; coal (1911), 212,529
^ It is under consideration to increase the Council to 20 members, 12 elected and S nominated.
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