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Ansorge (W. J.), Under the African Sun. [In Uganda.] London, 1899.
Arkell-Hardioick (A.), An Ivory Trader in North Kenia. London, 1903.
Ashe (Rev. R. P.), Two Kings of Uganda. 2nd ed. London, 1897.
Austin (Major H. H.), Among Swamps and Giants in Equatorial Africa. London, 1902. — With Macdonald in Uganda. London, 1903.
Baumann (Oscar), Durch Masailand zur Nilquelle. Berlin, 1894.
Bland- Sutton (J.), Man and Beast in Eastern Ethiopia. Loudon, 1911.
Churchill (Rt. Hon. W. Spencer), My African Journey. London, 1908.
Colville {Sir H.), The Land of the Nile Springs. London, 1895.
Cranworth (Lord), A Colony in the Makins: : or Sport and Profit in British East Africa. Loiidr.n. 1912.
Cunningham (J. P.), Uganda and its Peoples. London, 1905.
Eliot(Ji\v G. N.), The East Africa Protectorate. London, 1905.
Emin Pasha, his Life and Work compiled from his Journals by G. Schwartzer. 2 vols. London, 1898.
FitzGerald (W. W. A.), Travels in the Coastlands of British East Africa. London, 1898,
Gregory (J. W.), The Great Rift Valley. London, 1896.— The Foundation of Britis East Africa. London, 1901.
Orogan (E. S.) and Sharp (A. H.), From the Cape to Cairo. London, 1900.
Hinde (S. L. and H.), The Last of the Masai. London, 1901.
Hindlip (Lord), British East Africa. London, 1905.
Hohnel (Lieut, von), Discovery of Lakes Rudolf, <fec. 2 vols. London, 1893.
Hollis (A. C), The Masai : Their Language and Folklore. London, 1905.
Johnston (Sir Harry), The Colonisation^ of Africa. Cambridge, 1899.— The Uganda Protectorate. 2 vols. London, 1902.
Keltie (J. Scott), The Partition of Africa. 2nd ed. London, 1895.
Kallmann (P.), The Victoria Nyanza: the Land, the Races, and their Customs London, 1900.
Llo7/d (A. B), Uganda to Khartoum. London, 1906
JJi/ne (R. N.), Zanzibar in Contemporary Times. London, 1905.
Lu^arrZ (Capt. P. D.), The Rise of our East African Empire. 2 vols. London, 1893. British East Africa and Uganda. London, 1.S92.— The Story of Uganda. London, 1900.
McDermott(F. L.), British East Africa. London, 1895.
MacDonald(J. R. L.), Soldiering and Surveying in British East Africa. London, 1897.
Meyer (Hans). Across East African Glaciers. [Translation contains Bibliography on the subject.] London, 1891.
Mullins (J. W.), The Wonderful Story of Uganda. London, 1904.
Newman (H. S.), Banani : The Transition from Slavery to Freedom in Zanzibar and Pemba. London, 1898.
Ortroz(F. Van), Conventions Internationales concernant I'Afrique. Brussels, 1898.
Peters (Dr.), New Light on Dark Africa. [Narrative of the German Emin Pasha Ex- pedition.] London, 1891.
P?a(/»ie (Somerset), East Africa (Britisli). London, 1910.
Portal{Sir G.), Mission to Uganda. London, 1894.
Powell-Cotton (P. H. G.), In Unknown Africa. London, 1904.
Purvis (J. B.), British East Africa and Uganda. — Through Uganda to Mount El^on London, 1909.
Becius(E.), Geugraphie Universelle. Vol. XIII. Paris, 1888. (English edition Vols X. and XII.)
Rolin (— ), Le Droit de 1' Uganda, Brussels, 1910.
Scott- Elliott (G. P.), A Naturalist in Mid- Africa. London, 1896.
Sm,ith(A.. Donaldson), Through Unknown African Countries. London, 1897.
Stanley {R M.), Through the Dark Continent. 2 vols. London, 1878,
Strandeh (J.), Die Portugiesenzeit von Deutsch-und Englisch Ost-Africa. Berlin, 1899.
T/toffison (Joseph), Through Masai Land. London, 1885.
Ward{ll. F.) and MilIigan(J. W.), Handbook on British East Africa. Nairobi and London, 1912.
White ( \. Silva), The Development of Africa. London, 1890.
Wilson (Rev. C. T.) and Felkin (R. W.), Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. 2 vols London, 1S82.
Travels of Burton, Speke, Grant, Baker, and Junker.
Gaaibia, Gold Coast, Lag^os. See'WEsx African Colonies.
jVEashonaland, Matabeleland. See Rhodesia.