Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning India.
1. Official Publications.
Administration : Reports on the various provinces. Annual. — Judicial and Administra- tive Statistics. Annual. Calcutta.
Agricultural Statistics of British Imlia. Annual. Calcutta.
Army : Indian Army List. Quarterly. — Wars on or beyond the borders of British India since 1849. London, 1001.
Famines: Reports of Famine Commissions, 1SS5, 1887, and 1808. — Relief Operations, 1899-1900. Vol. I., British Districts; Vol. II., Native States. — Advances to Agriculturists at end of Famine. London, 1901.
Finance: Accounts and Estimates, Explanatory Memorandum. Annual. — Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure. Annual. — Financial Statement of the Government of India with discussion in the Legislative Council. Annual. — Home Accounts. Annual. — Income and Expenditure under specified heads. Annual. — Report of Royal Commission on the Administration of the Expenditure of India. 4 vols. London, 1901. — Financial and Commercial Statistics of British India. Annual. Calcutta. Report of the Currency Committee of 1899. Calcutta, 1899.
Gazetteers: The Imperial Gazetteer of India. 2nd ed. 26 vols, completed in 1009. London. — Provincial and District Gazetteers.
India List and India Office List. Anntial.
Judicial : Judicial and Administrative Reports. Annual. Calcutta. — Unrepealed General Acts of the Govei-nor-ueneral of India in Council. 6 vols. Calcutta, 1898-99.
Maritime Trade and Customs Administration: Report on — of Bengal, Bombay, Karachi, Madras and Burma. Annual.
Mining : Report on the Inspection of Mines in India. Annual. Calcutta.
Population : Report on tlie Census of British India, 1011.
Quinquennial Reports on Education in India. 1902,1907, 1912.
Proceedings, (fee, 1859-98, 1-ist of in Record Department, India Office. London, 1900.
Railways : Report on Railways. Annual. London.
Sanitary C<mdition : Report on Sanitary Measures. Annual. London.— Plague Commission. 3 vols, of evidence, 1898-99. Londmi, 1900.
Surveys : Reports of the Trigonometrical Surveys nf India. Annual.
Trade. Annual Statement of the Trade of British India with Foreign Countries, &c. Calcutta.— Review of the Trnde of India for five years. Annual. London
Treaties: Collection of Treaties, Ac. , relating to India. Edited by Sir C. U. Aitchison. 11 vols. Calcutta, 1892.
General Statistics: Statistical Abstract for British India. Annual —Statistical Abstract for the Colonies, (fee. Annual. London.
Moral and Material Progi'ess and Condition of India. Annua]. London.
2. Non-Official Publications,
Adye (Sir J.\ Indian Frontier Policy. Historical Sketch. London, 1897.
Baden-Poivell(B. H.), Land System's of British India. 3 vols. Oxford, 1892. A Short Account of the Land Revenue and its Administration in British India. Oxford, 1894. — The Indian Village Community. London, 1899.
Birdwood (Sir G.) The Industrial Arts of India. London, 1887.
BonarjceiP. D ), Handbook of the Fighting Races of India. London, 1901.
Bradiey-Birt (F. B.), The Story of an Indian Upland. London, 1905.— Chota .^ag])ore London.
Brown (P.), Picturesque Nepal. London, 1912.
Bruce (Hon. Mrs. C. G.), Kashmir. London, 1912.
BucUeij (R. B.l, The Irrigation Works of India. London, 1905.
Burgess (J.), The Chronology of Modern India, 1494-1894. Kdinburgli, 1913.
ChaWey (Joseph), Administrative Problems of British India. [Eng. Trans.]. London, 1910.
Chirol (V.), The Middle Eastern Question. London. 1903.— Indian Unrest, Louden, 1911.
Collier (Price), The W( st in the Ea?t. London, 1911.
Cotton(iih- H. J. S.), New India, or India in Transition. 2d. ed. London, 1904.
CrooAe(W.), The Tribes and Castes of the North-AVest Provinces and Oudh. 4 vols. Calcutta, 1896. The Po]>ular Religion and Folk-Lore of Northern India. 2 vols. London, 1897. The North-West Provinces of India, their History, Ethnolugy, and Administration, London, 1897.
Crosthwaite (Sir C), The PariGcation of Burma London, 1912.
Curzon (hov(\), Speeches in India. London, 1906.— The Place of India in tl;e Empire. London, 1909.
Dautremer (J .), Burma under British Rule. London, 1013.
Dubois (J. A.), Hindu Manners, Customs, and Cennionies. [Eng. Trans.] 3rd ed Oxford, 1906.
Dutt (R. C), Ecoiomic History of British India. London, 1902.— Open Letters on Famines ami Land Aisessments in India. London, 1900,— India in the Victorian Age.
London, 1904.