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The imports froiii the Channel Islands to the United Kingdom in 1911 amounted to 1,735,880Z., of which potatoes accounted for 523,515/. ; toma- toes, 391,730/^.; stones and slates, 271,745Z. ; and fresh flowers, 126,227^. The exports from the United Kingdom to the Islands in 1911 Avere valued at 1,528,884Z. The total imports in 1912 were 1,778,3392., and exports 1,618,5242.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Great Britain and Ireland.

1, Official Publications,

The publications of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries ; the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland ; the Education Department for England and Wales ; tlie Scotch Education Dejiartment ; the Commissioners of Inter- mediate Education and the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland ; the Board of Trade, Commercial, Labour, Railway, and Statistical Departments; Census of Produc- tion (1907) ; the Fishery Board for Scotland ; the Home Office ; the Local Government Boards of England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland; the Foreign Office; the Geological Survey; the Ordnance Survey of England, of Scotland, of Ireland; the National Debt Commissioners ; the Treasury ; the Admiralty ; the War Office ; the Register Office for England, for Scotland, for Ireland ; Commissioners of Customs and Excise, and of Inland Revenue ; Ecclesiastical Commissioners ; Charity Commissioners ; the Royal Mint ; Office of the Duchy of Lancaster ; Office of the Ducby of Cornwall ; Office of Woods, Forest;^, and Land Revenues ; the Irish Land Commission and the Estates Commissioners ; the General Post office; Reports of Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Rdief of Distress.

2. Non-Official Publicationf.

United Kin(;dom and England.

Acland(A. H. Dyke) and Eamome (C), Handbook in Outline of the Political History of England to 1906. London.

Acworth (W. M.), The Railways of England. .5th Ed. 1900.

Annual Register. A Review of Public Events, London,

Aflalo (F. G.), The Fishing Industry of England and Wales. London, 1904,

Ansoyi (Sir W. R.), Law and Custom of the Constitution. 2nd Ed. London, 1907.

Ashley (P.), Local and Central Government, A Comparative Study of England, France, Prussia, and the United States. London, 1906,

Ashley (W. J.) (Editor), British Industries. London, 1902.

Aschrott (P, F.), The English Poor Law System Past and Present. [Eng. Trans. 2d. ed. London, 1902,

Alton (Henry) and Holland (Henry Hurst), The Kints Customs. London.

Baddeley'8 Thorough Guide Series. 10 parts. London.

Baedeker's, Great Britain. 6th ed. Leipzig, 1906.— London and its Environs. 15th ed. Leipzig, 1908.

Ba<7c/io< (W.), The English Constitution. 2nd ed. London, 1872. Lombard Street: a Description of the Money Market. 10th Ed. London, 1892.

Baker (H.), The Territorial Force. London, 1908.

Balfour (G.), The Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 189S.

Birkbeck (W. L. C), Historical Sketch of the Distribution of Land in England. London, 1886.

Booth (C), Life and Labour of the People in London. First Series, Poverty. 4 vols. 2d. ed. London, 1902.— Second Series, Industry. 5 vols. 2d. ed. London, 1903 —Third Series, Religious Influences. 7 vols. London, 1903.— Final volume, Notes on Adminis- trative and Social Influences. I,ondon, 1903.

Boutmy (E. G.), Le Developpement de la Constitution et de la Soei^t^ politique en Angleterre. Paris, 1897.— Essai d'une Psychologic politique du Peuple Anglais au XIX* .Siecle. Paris, 1901.— The English Pe- pie. Trans, from the French. London, 1904.

Bowley (A. L.), Wages in the United Kingdom in the Nineteenth Century. London, 1900.

Bradshaiv's Canals and Navigable Rivers of England and Wales. London, 1904,

Brassey (T, A.), The Naval Annual. Portsmouth.

Burke (Sir B.), Peerage and Baronetage. London.

Cannan (E.), History of Local Rates in England. 2nd edition London, 1912.

Catholic Directory Annual, London,

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