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W. Australia, political parties, 337

— production and industiy, 340

— religion, 339

— shipping, 242, 302

— towns, 338

— wool, 341

See also Australia, Commoiiwealth of Western Province, Uganda, 178 Western Sinranji (Baluchistan), 156 Westfield College, Hampstead, 29 West Ham, population, 16 West Hartlepool, population, 16 West Indies, British, 283 ; statistics,


Danish, 767

Dutch, 1083, 1089,1090

French, 815, 847 ct scq.

Westland district, (N.Z.), 354 Westmont (Canada), 272 Westphalia, 878, 879; area, pop.,

928 West Point (U.S.A.), military coll.,

516 West Virginia, agriculture, 565

— area and pop., 383, 399, 564

— banks, 566

- — charity, 565

— constitution and govt., 379, 564

— defence, 565

— finance, 565

— forests, 566

— instruction, 564

— live stock, 565

— mining, 566

— petroleum, 566

— production and industry, 565

— railways, 566

— religion, 564

— representation, 379, 564 Wheeling (AV. Va. ), 564 White Horse (Canada), 274 Whydah (Dahomey), 840 AViborg, see Viborg Wichita (Kansas), 387, 466 Wiener-Neustadt (Austria), 626 AViesbaden (Prussia), 861 Wigan, population, 16

Wiju (Korea), port, 1028

AVilhelm Ernst, Grand Duke (Saxe-

Weimar), 939 Wilhelm II., German Emperor, 853;

King of Prussia, 853, 854, 923 AVilhelm II. (Wurttemberg), 946


Wilhelmina, Queen (Netherlands),

1064 Wilhelmshaven, 864 ; naval port, 872 Wilkesbarre (Pa.), 387, 533 Wilmersdorf (Prussia), 861 Wilmington (Del.), 387, 442, 444 Wilmington (N. Car. ), 520, 522 Wilson, W., President, U.S.A., 375 Wilson Islands (Pacific), 371 Windhoek (Ger. S.W. Africa), 892 Windward Islands, 289, 290 AVinnetah (Gold Coast), 230 Winnipeg (Canada), 243 Winterthur (Switzerland), 1291 AVireless Stations, Argentine Rep., 607 ; Australasia, 303 ; Bolivia, 685 ; Brazil, 695 ; Costa Pica, 748; F.nlkland Is., 276; Great Britain, 86 ; Hawaii, 577 ; Italian Somaliland, 1004 ; Aladagascar, 833 ; Morocco, 1060 ; Nicaragua, 1097 ; Norway, UlO ; Peru, 1145 ; Pretoria, 207 ; Samoa, 897 ; Siam, 1252 ; Spain, 1266 ; Zanzibar, 182 Wisconsin, agriculture, 569

— area and population, 382, 567

— charity, 568

— constitution and govt., 379, 567

— defence, 569

— finance, 568

— forestry, 403

— instruction, 568

— mines, 569

— production and industry, 569-70

— - public lands, 399

— religion, 567

— representation, 379, 567

— wheat & tobacco, 401, 402, 569 Wismar ( Mecklenburg- Schw.), 920 Witwatersrand (S. Africa), 217 Wolverhampton, population, 16 Woman Sutlrage —

New South Wales, 305, 306

New Zealand, 352

Norway, 1100

Queensland, 324

South Australia, 331

Tasmania, 343

Victoria, 310

United States —

Arizona, 378

California, 378

Colorado, 378

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