Wad Ziz (Morocco), 1057 Wagga Wagga (N.S.W.), 307 Wai-Chaio-pu, official (China), 714 Wakamatsu (Japan), 1013 Wakayama (Japan), 1013 Wakf Lands (Egypt), 84 4 Wakhau, 595
Wakkerstroom (Natal), 213 Waldeck, 855, 857, 858, 859,
860, 862, 868, 946 Wales, area and pop., 12, 13, 15, 16
— books of reference, 92, 96 — ■ coal raised, 67
— language, 13
— secondary education, 30
— trustee savings banks, 89
— University, 29
See also England arid Wales Walfisch Bay (S. Africa), 209, 892 Wallachia, 1170, 1171, 1172 Wali, chief (Persia), 1126 Waliis Archipelago (Pacific), 850 Walsall, population, 16 Wanganin (N.Z.), 354 AYarnemlindc, 884 Warri (S. Nigeria), 229, 230 Warrington, population, 16 Warrnambool (Victoria), 318 Warsaw, 1182, 1188 ; fort, 1183 ;
town, 1192 ; Univ., 1193 Warsheikh (Stat. Af.), 180, 1004 Washington, D.C., 381, 445, Washington Island (Pacific), 371 Washington (State), agriculture, 401, 562
— area & population, 383, 560
— charit}', 561
— coal, 562
— constitution and govt. , 379, 560
— defence, 382, 562
— finance, 561
— fisheries, 562
— forestry 403, 562
— gold, 562
— Indian reservations, 561
— instruction, 561
— irrigation, 562
— live stock, 562
— manufactures, 562
— mining, 562
— production and industry, 562
— public land, 399
— railways, 563
Washington, vepresenta. , 379, 560
— religion, 561
— shipping, 563
— wheat crop, 401, 562 "Waterbury (Conn.), 387, 440 Waterford, 12, 21 Watling's Island (W.I.), 283 Waziristan, 595
Wedel, Count v. (Statthalter, Alsace- Lorraine), 869
Weihaiwei (China), 172, 717
Weimar (Germany), 939
Weinheim (Baden), 903
Welle, see Uele
Wellesley Coll. (U.S.A.), 482
Wellington (N.Z.), district, 354 ; town, 354 ; port, 362, 363
Wenchau (China), 718, 727
West Africa (Fr.) 814, 815, 836 et seq.
German, 891 et seq.
Portuguese, 1156, 1158
Spanish, 1257, 1268
West African Colonies, British, 225 et seq.
books of reference, 236
customs valuation, 233 et seq.
debt, 234
gold, 234
statistics, 233 et seq.
troops in, 98
West Bromwich, population, 16
Western Australia, aborigines, 338
— agriculture, 340
— area and population, 296, 337
— banks, 342
— births, deaths, marriages, 295, 338
— books of reference, 343
— commerce, 242, 300
— constitution & govt., 293, 336
— debt, 340
— emigration and immigration, 338
— finance, 340
— forestry, 341
— gold, 341, 342
— Governor, 337
— instruction, 339
— justice and crime, 339
— live stock, 341
— mining, 341
— ministry, 337
— mone}^ and credit, 342
— pauperism, 339
— pensions, invalidity & old age, 340
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