Victoria, books of reference, 324
— coal, 322
— commerce, 300, 323
— constitution & govt., 294, 316
— debt, 321
— emigration and immigration, 318
— finance, 320
— forests, 322
— gold coined, 323 production, 322
— Governor, 317
— local government, 293, 317
— instruction, 319
— justice and crime, 319
— live stock, 322
— manufactures, 323
— mining, 322
— ministry, 317
— money and credit, 323
— occupations of the people, 318
— pensions, invalidity and old age,
— political parties, 317
— production and industry, 321
— railways, 302
— religion, 318
— representation, 293, 316
— towns, 318
— University, 319
— wheat, &c., 321
— wine, 322
— wool production, 322
See also Australia, Commonwealth Victoria (British Columbia), 243, 262
— (Hong Kong), 115 Victoria (Kamerun), 892
— (Labuan), 163
— (Rhodesia), 195
— (Seychelles), 190
Victoria College (S. Africa), 203
Victoria Island (Pacific), 370
Victoria University, 29
Vidin (Bulgaria), 698, 703
Vienna, 614, 626 ; University, 628
Vien-tiane (Laos), 820
Vieques Island (Porto Rico), 379
Vigo (Spain), fort., 1260
Villa Bella, 684
Villa del Pilar (Paraguay), 1119
Villa Montcs (Bolivia), 682
Villa Real (Portugal), 1147
Villa Rica (Paraguay), 1119
Villenour (French India), 816
Villingen (Baden), 903
Vilna (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192
Vina del Mar (Chile), 706
Virginia, agriculture, 559
— ■ area and pop., 383, 399, 557
— charity, 558
— constitution & govt, 379, 557
— cotton, 559
— defence, 559
— finance, 558
— fisheries, 559
— forestry^ 403
— instruction, 558
— live stock, 559
— mining, 559
— production & industry, 559
— railways, 560
— representation, 379, 557
— tobacco crop, 402, 559 Virginia, West, see West Virginia Virgin Islands (W. I.), 286, 287, 288 Visby (Sweden^, 1274
Vitebsk (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Viti Levu Is. (Fiji), 366 Vitoria (Spain), 1258 Vittorio Emanuele III. (Italy), 975 Vizcaya (Spain), province, 1257 Vizeu (Portugal), 1148 Vladikavkaz (Russia), 1192 Vladimir (Russia), 1188 ; town,
1192 Vladivostok, 1192, 1199, 1202 Vlaardingen (Holland), 1068 Vlissingen, see Flushing Volhynia (Russia), 1188 Volo (Greece), 953
Vologda (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 Vorarlberg, area and iiopulation, 624
— rei)resentation, Reichsrath, 621
provincial Diet, 623
Voronezh (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Vranye (Servia), 1239
Vratza (Bulgaria), 699 Vryheid (Natal), 213, 214 Vyatka (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Vyernyi (Russia), 1192 Vykiiping (Sweden), 1274
WADAl, (Fr. Africa), 829, 836 Wadelai, 179 Wad Draa (Morocco), 1057 Wad Gir (Morocco), 1057
Wad Mcdani (A.-F. Sudan), 1341