THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913
Tanta (Egypt), 1325
Taoism, 718
Taotais (China), 715
Tapiteuea Island (Pacific), 370
Taranaki district (N.Z.), 354
Taranto (Italy), fort, 990
Tarapaca (Chile), prov., 706,709,1139
Tarawa Island (Pacific), 370
Tarifa (Spain), 1261
Tarija (Bolivia), 681 ; town, 682
Tarragona (Spain), prov., 1257
Tashkent, 1192
Tasichozong (Bhutan), 680
Tasiko, or Api Island, (Pacific), 371
Tasmania, agriculture, 346
— area & population, 294, 344
— births, deaths, & marriages, 295,344
— books of reference, 347
— commerce, 302, 347
— constitution & govt., 293, 343
— debt, 346
— defence, 297
— emigration k immigration, 345
— finance, 346
— fruit culture, 347
— gold, 347
— Governor, 344
— instruction, 345
— justice and crime, 344
— live stock, 347
— mines and minerals, 347
— ministry, 344
— occupations of the people, 344
— pauperism, 345
— peiisions, invalidity & old age, 345
— production and industry, 346
— religion, 345
— representation, 293, 343
— shipping, 302, 347
— University, 345
— Sec also Australia, Commonwealth Tatungkau (China), 718, 726, 732 Taurida (Russia), 1188 Tavastehus (Finland), 1192 Taveta(B. E. Africa), 175; forcst,l76 Tavira (Portugal), 1149
Tawilah I. (Persian Gulf), 1113 Ta-yeh (China), iron mines, 724 Tegucigalpa (Honduras), 971 Teheran (Persia), 1127, 1129, 1131 Tehri (India), 126 Tela (Honduras), 973 Tembuland (Cape Col.), 209
Temesvar (Huiigarv), 614, 641 Temir-Khan-Shura", 1192 Temuco (Chile), 706 Teng-yueh (China), 718, 727 Tennessee, agriculture, 401, 547
— area and population, 383, 399, 546
— charity, 547
— coal, 548
— constitution & govt., 379, 546
— cotton, 402, 548
— defence, 547
— finance, 547
— instruction, 546
— maize, 547
— mining, 548
— production and industry, 547
— railways, 548
— religion, 546
— representation, 379, 546
— tobacco & wheat, 401, 402, 547, 548 Tenno or Emperor of Japan, 1009 Tephu race (Bhutan), 679
Tepic (Mexico), territorv, 1041, 1042 Teramo (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 Terek (Russia), prov., 1188 Teruel (Spain), province, 1257 Terre Haute (Ind.), 387^ 459 Teso prov. (Uganda), 178 Tete (Port. E. Africa), 1159, 1160 Tetuan (Morocco), 1056 Texas, agriculture, 401, 402
— area & population, 383, 399, 549
— charity, 550
— coal, 551
— constitution and govt., 379, 549
— cotton crop, 401, 550
— defence, 550
— finance, 550
— ports, 403
— instruction, 549
— live stock, 550
— manufactures, 551
— mining, 551
— production and industry, 550
— railways, 551
— religion, 549
— representation, 379, 549
— ^ tobacco, wheat, rice, &c,, 401, 550 Tliessaly (Greece), 952, 956, 957 Thorn (Germany), forts, 869 Thursday Island (Australia), 296 Thurgau (canton), 1288, 1290
Tibet, 714, 732