Scotland, coal produce, 67
— commerce, 72 et seq.
— cotton factories, 70
— counties, 18-19
— criminals, 37
— education, elementary, 33
secondary, 30, 33
technical, 30
university, 29
— electorate, 5, 6
— emigration, 24
— fisheries, 65
— forestry, 65
— imports and exports, 72 ctseq.,
— income-tax assessment, 47
— justice and crime, 35, 37
— King, 3
— language, 13
— local government, 11
— local taxation, 49
— mineral produce, 67
— national insurance, 37
— occupations of the people, 20
— old age pensions, 38
— parliamentary representation, 5, 6
— pauperism, 40
— population, \2 et scq., 18, 19 counties, 18, 19
— posts and telegraphs, 84
— property assessed, 4 7
— railways, 83
— religion, 27
— revenue & expend., 40 ct scq., 47,
48, 49
— textile factories, 70
— trade, 72 et seq.
— universities, 29 Scranton (Pa.), 387, 533 Scrub forest, (B. E. Africa), 176 Scutari, 1305
Seattle (U.S.A.), 387, 560, 562, 563 Sebastopol, 1185, 1192, 1199, 1202 Seccondee (Gold Coast), 231 Segovia (Spain), province, 1257 Selangor, 162, 167, et seq. Selukwe (Rhodesia), 195 Semipalatinsk, 1189 ; town, 1192 Semiryechin.sk, 1189 Sendai (Japan), 1013 Senegal, 814, 815, 836, 837, 838, 840 Senegambia Territories (French),
836, 837, 840 Senussuiyeh sect, 1005,
Seoul (Korea), 1026 ; town, 1027, 1029 Seraing (Belgium), 663 Serajevo, fort, 614 Serdar, chief (Persia), 1026 Serena, La (Chile), 706 Sergipe (Brazil), 688, 689 Serowe (Bechuanaland), 193 Servia, agriculture, 1242
— area and population, 1239
— army, 1241
— banks, 1244
— births, deaths, marriages,, 1240
— books of reference, 1245
— commerce, 1243
— constitution and govt., 1238
— debt, 1241
— diplomatic representatives, 1245
— finance, 1241
— forests, 1243
— instruction, 1240
— justice, crime, pauperism, 1240
— King, 1238
— livestock, 1242
— mining, 1243
— money and credit, 1244
— money, weights, & meas. . 1245
— National Assembly, 1238
— posts and telegraphs, 1244
— production, industry, 1242
— railways, 1244
— religion, 1240
— towns, 1239
— university, 1240 Sestros (Liberia), 1035 Setif (Algeria), 823 Setubal (Portugal), 1149 Sevastopol, 1185, 1192, 1199, 1202 Sevilla (Spain), prov., 1257 ; town,
1258 ; University, 1259 Seychelles Islands, 189 Seyid Asfendiar Khan (Khiva), 1227 Seyidie (B. E. Africa), 175 Seyyid Khalifa bin Harub (Zanzibar),
180 Seyyid Feysil bin Turki (Oman),
1113 Sfax (Tunis), 844 s'Gravenstrage, sec Haojue Sliahinshah or Sultan, Persia, 1124 Shahjahan pur (India), 128 Shahrig (Baluchistan), 155, 156 Shahr-i-Sabz (Bokhara), 1226
Shaik Othman (Aden), 102