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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913


Saltpond (Gold Coast), 230 Salvador, agriculture, 1232

— area and population, 1231

— banks, 1233

— books of reference, 1233

— commerce, 1232

— constitution & gov,, 1231

— debt, 1232

— defence, 1231

— diplomatic representatives, 1233

— finance, 1231

— gold, 1232

— instruction, justice, 1231

— live stock, 1232

— minerals, 1232

— money, weights, measures, 1233

— posts and telegraphs, 1232

— President, 1231

— production, 1232

— railways, 1232

— shipping, 1232

— towns, 1231

Salzburg (Aust.), area & pop., 601,

624, 626 Salzburg, representation, central, 622

— in provincial Diet, 623

— town, 626

Samara (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192

Samarai (Papua), 350

Samarang (Java), 1085

Samarcand, 1189 ; town, 1192

Samere (Abyssinia), 592

Samoan Is. (American) 586 ; naval

station, 396, 586 Samoan Is. (German), 890, 897 Samos, 1304, 1323 Saiiishui (China), 718, 727 San Antonio (Tex.), 387, 649 San Cristoval Is. (Pacidc), 370 Sandakan (Borneo), 104 Sandhurst, Royal Military and Staff

Colleges, 53 Sandur (Madras), 125 Sandwich Harbour (G.S.W.Af.), 893 Sandwich or Efate Is. (Pacific), 371 Sandwich Islands, see Hawaii Sandwich Islands (S. Atlantic), 275 San Francisco (Cal.), 387, 432, 434,


— trade and shipping, 415, 416, 436 San Jose (Cal. ), 432

(Costa Rica), 745 ; town, 746

(Guatemala), 965


San Jose (Uruguay), 1348

San Juan, (Arg. ), 601, 605 ; town, 602

San Juan (Porto Rico). 578

— naval station, 579

San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua), 1094

San Luis (Arg.), 601 ; town, 602

San Luis Potoai (Mex. ), 1041 ; tn. 1042

San Marino, 1002 ; books of ref., 1008

San Miguel (Salvador), 1231

San Paulo de Loanda, 1158

San Pedro (Paraguay), 1119

San Pedro Sula (Hon.), 971

San Salvador (Salvador), 1231

Sansanne-Mangu (Togoland), 891 ;

San Sebastian (Spain), 1258 "" •

Sansing (China), port, 726

Santa Ana (Salvador), 1231

Santa Catharina (Brazil), 688, 689, 693

Santa Clara (Cuba), 751

Santa Cruz (Arg, Rep.), prov., 601

(Bolivia), 681 ; town, 682

(Canaries), 1257

Islands (Pacific), 370

Santa Elena (Ecuador), oil fields, 772 Santa Fe (Arg. Rep.), 601, 605; town,

602 ;univ., 602

(N. Mex.), 511

Santauder (Col.), prov., 740, 742 Santander (Spain), prov., 1257; town,

1257 ; fort, 1261 Santarem (Portugal), 1148

(Honduras), 971

San Thome Island, 1156, 1158 Santiago (S. Domingo), 1234 Santiago University (Spain), 1259 Santiago (Chile),prov.,706 ; town,706

— de Cuba, 751, 752

— del Estero (Arg. Rep.), prov., 601 Santo Domingo,area & pop., 967, 1234

— books of reference, 1237

— commerce, 1236

— constitution and government, 1234

— debt, 1235

— defence, 1235

— diplomatic representatives, 1237

— finance, 1235

— justice, 1235

— money, weights, & measures, 1237

— posts and telegraphs, 1237

— president, 1234

— production and industry, 1235

— railways, 1236

— religion & instruction, 1234-5


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