Prince Edward Island, reijrescnta- tion, 240, 241
toAvns, 271
Princeton University (U.S.A.), 509 Principe, or Prince's Is., 1156, 1158 Providence Is. (Seychelles), 189
— (R.L), 387, 537, 538 Province Wellesley (Penang), 161,
162 Prussia, Abgeordnetenliaus, 925, 926
— agriculture, 933
— area & population, 856, 928 ct scq.
— army, 933
— births, deaths, marriages, 859, 929
— books of reference, 934
— breweries, 879, 933
— coal, 933
— commerce, 934
— constitution, 925
— debt, 932
— emigration, 860, 929
— finance, 932
— foreigners, 929
— government, 925 local, 927
— Hcrrenhaus, 925, 926
— instruction, 862, 864, 930
— iron, 933
— justice and crime, 931
— King, 853, 854, 923
— kings from 1701, 925
— Landtag, 925
— live-stock, 877, 933
— manufactures, 878, 933
— matricular contribution, 868
— minerals, 872, 933
— ministry, 927
— occupations of the people, 858
— political parties, 927
— production and industry, 904
— railways, 934
— religion, 929
— representation (Imperial), 855, 929
— royal family, 924
— sugar manufacture, 933
— town and rural pop., 929
— universities, 864, 930, 931 Prussia (E. & W.), area, &c., 928 Przemysl (Austria), 614, 626 Pskov (Russia), 1188 ; town, 1192 Pudukkottai (Madras), 125 Puebla (Mexico), 1041 ; town, 1042 Pueblo (Cole), 437
Puerto Barrios (Guatemala), 965 Puerto Bello (Panama), 1115 Puerto Colombia (Col.), 743 Puerto Cortes (Hond.), 971, 973 Puerto Mudis (Panama), 1115 Puerto Plata (Santo Domingo), 1234 Puget Sound (Wash. ), shipping, kc,
396, 416, 562, 563 Pukapuka I. (Cook Is.). 364 Puket (Siam), 1247, 1250 Pulientien (China), 726, 1031 Pulo Cambing (Timor), 1157 Punakha (Bhutan), 680 Punjab, agriculture, 138, 139
— area and population, 123
— births and deaths, 127
— education, 130
— finance, 134
— forests, 139, 140
— government, 121, 122
— justice, 131
— religion, 129
— roads, 140
— states, 124, 126
— university, 130 Puno(Peru), dept., 1139 Punta Lobos (Peru), 1143 Puntarenas (Costa Rica), 745; town,
746, 748 Pygmies (Uganda), 179 Pyrgos (Greece), 953 ; town, 953
QACHA'S NEK (Basutoland), 192 Qaliubia (Egypt), 1325, 1326 (^eua (Egypt), 1325, 1326; town, 1327 Quang-nam mines (Annam), 818 Quebec, prov. , agriculture, 248, 272
area and population, 242, 272
cities, 272
constitn., & govt., 240, 241,272
finance, 2 46, 272
fisheries, 249, 272
forests, 249, 272
instruction, 244, 27?
live-stock, 272
manufactures, 250
mineral output, 273
political parties, 272
— — railways, 273
religion, 244
representation, 240, 241, 272 ^