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Panama, commerce, 1116

— currency, 1117

— diplomatic representatives, 1117

— education, 1115

— finance, 1116

— government, 1115

— President, 1115

— production, 1116

— railway, 1116

— shipping, 1116

— town, 1115

— University, 1116

Panay Island (Philippines), 580 Pangani (Ger. E. Africa), 894 Pangkor Is. (Perak), 162 Panjgur (Baluchistan), 156 Panjin (Goa), 1156 Pao'ting-fu (China), 716 Papeete (Tahiti), 851 Paphos (Cyprus), 113 Papua, Territory of, 293, 295, 350 Para (Brazil), 688, 689, 692

— arsenal, 692 Paraguari (Paraguay), 1119 Paraguay, area and pop., 1119

— banks, 1122

— books of reference, 1122

— boundary dispute, 1119

— commerce, 1121

— constitution and government, 1118

— currency and credit, 1122

— debt, 1120

— defence, 1120

— diplomatic representatives, 1122

— finance, 1120

— forests, 1121

— instruction, 1119

— justice, 1120

— live stock, 1120, 1121

— money, weights, & measures, 1122

— posts and telegraphs, 1121

— President, 1119

— production and industry, 1120

— railways, 1121

— religion, 1119

— shipping, 1121

— towns, 1119

Parahyba (Brazil), pro v., 688, 689

— town, 689

Paramaribo (Surinam), 1090 Parana (Arg. Rep.), 602 ; Univ., 602 Parana State (Brazil), 688, 689, 693 Parchim (Mecklenburg-Schw. ) 920


Pargana-Manpur State (India) agri- culture, 138, 139 ; forests, 139 Paris, faculties, &c., 787, 788

— finance, 793, 794

— fortifications, 794

— local government, 778

— population, 782

— trade, 806

Parma, 979 ; town, 983 ; Univ., 986

Paro (Bhutan), 680

Parramatta(N.S.W.), 307

Parry Is., see Mauke

Parsis, or Guebres (Persian), India,

129, Persia, 1127 Partick, population, 19 Pasajes (Spam), fort, 1261 Passaic (N.J.), 387, 508 Passamaquoddy (Me.), 416 Patagonia, 709 Paterson (N.J.), 387, 508 Pathan race (Baluchistan), 157 Patiala (India), 126 ; town, 128 "Patna (India), 128 Patras (Greece), 953 Patriarch of Alexandria, 592 Pau, 782

Paulpietersburg (Natal), 214 Paucartambo district (Peru), 1142 Pavia (Italy), 978 ; town, 983 Pawtucket(R.I.), 387, 538, 539 Paysandu, (Uruguay) 1348, 1351 Paz, La, (Boliv.), 681, 684 ; town,682 Pearl Harbour (Hawaii), 576 Pearl Is. (Panama), 1116 Pearl River, (Miss.), 416 Pecs (Hnngary), 641 Pedregal (Panama), 1115 Pedro Cays, (W.I.) 285, 286 Peking, 715, 717, 718, 719 Pelew Islands (Pacific), 890, 896 Pemba Island, 174, 180 Penang (Straits Sett.), 161 Pennsylvania, agi'ic, 401, 402, 535

— area and pop., 382, 399, 533

— charity, 534

— coal, 405, 535

— constitution and gov., 379, 533

— defence, 535

— finance, 535

— instruction, 534

— iron industries, 535

— live stock, 535

— mining, 405, 535

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