Madagascar, religion, 831
— roads and railways, 833
— shipping, 833
— silk culture, 832 Maddalena (Italy), fort, 990, 993 Madeira, 1148, 1149
Madison (Wis.), 567 Madras, agriculture, 138, 139
— area and population, 123, 140
— births and deaths, 127
— education, 130
— finance, 134, 135
— forests, 139, 140
— government, 121, 122
— justice and crime, 131
— land tenure, 138
— port, 145
— religion, 129
— roads, 148
— states, 124, 125
— town, 128
— trade, 142, 144, 145
— university, 130
Madre de Dios (Peru), dept., 1139 Madrid, pro v., 1257 ; town, 1258 ;
Univ., 1259 Madura (Dutch East Indies), 1083,
1084, 1085, 1087 Madura (Madras Presidency), 128 Maestricht (Holland), 1068 Mafeking, 193 Mafetong (Basutoland), 192 Magallanes (Chile), territory, 706 Magar race (Nepal), 1062 Magdala (Abyssinia), 592 Magdalena (Colom.), prov., 740, 741,
742 Magdeburg, 861 Magnesia (Greece), 953 Magyar race (Rumania), 1172 Mahaga Is. (Pacific), 896 Mahala el Kubra (Egypt), 1325 Mahdera-Mariam (Abyssinia), 592 Mahe (French India), 816 Mahe Island (Seychelles), 189 Maiana Island (Pacific), 370 Maibashi (Japan), 1013 Maikop (Caucasus), 1192 Maimachen (Mongolia), 734 Maine, area and pop., 382, 399, 474
— charity, 474-5
— constitution and gov., 379, 474
— defence, 475
Maine, finance, 475
— fisheries, 475
— instruction, 474
— live stock, 475
— mining, 475
— production and industry, 475
— railways, 477
— representation, 379, 474 Mainz (Hesse), 861, 869, 916 Maitland, E. & W. (N.S.W.), 307 Maizuru (Japan), 1018
Majeru Island (Pacific), 896
Majunga (Madagascar), 831
Makalle (Abyssinia), 592
Makassar (D. East Indies), 1086
Makiu Island (Pacific), 370
Mako (Hungary), 641
Makran, 156, 157, 158
Malacca (Straits Sett.), 161 et seq
Malaga (Spain), 1257 ; town, 1258
Malaita Island (Pacific), 370
Malay Archipelago (Portuguese poss- essions in), 1156, 1157
Malay States, Federated, adminis- tration, 167 et seq.
area and population, 168
commerce, 169
communications, 170
finance, 169
irrii;ation, 169
production, 169
tin, 169
protected British, 170, 1247
Siamese, 1247
Maiden Island (Pacific), 371 Mai dive Islands (Ceylon), 111 Maldonado (Uruguay), 1348 Malekite sect (Morocco), 1057 Malindi (E. Africa), 175 Maliues, see Mechlin Malleco (Chile), prov., 706 Mallicollo Island (Pacific), 371 Malmo (Sweden), 1274 Malta, 100-1 ; troops at, 98 Maluprey (Cambodia), prov., 1247 Malwa (India), 125 Mamuret-iil-Aziz (vilayet), 1305 Man, see Isle of Man Manabi (Ecuador), prov., 770 Managua (Nicaragua), 1094 Mauahiki I. (Cook Is.), 364 Manameh (Bahrein), 103 Manaos (Brazil), 689, 692