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THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913


Lorraine, mining & minerals, 877, 878

Los Andes (Argentina), prov., 600

Los Andes (Venezuela), 1357

Los Angeles (Cal.), 387, 432

Los Islands (W. Africa), 232, 836

Lothringen, 900

Loureuyo Marques (Mozamb.), 1159,

1160 Louisiade Is. (Pacific), 350 Louisiana, agriculture, 472

— area and population, 383, 471

— charity, 472

— constitution & govt., 470

— cotton crop, 402

— defence, 472

— finance, 472

— fisheries, 472

— forestry, 403,^472

— instruction, 471

— live stock, 472

— mining, 473

— production and industry, 472

— public lands, 399

— railways, 473

— religion, 471

— representation, 379, 470

— rice crop, 401, 472 LouisvUle (Ky.), 387, 468 Louvain (Belg.), 663 ; Univ., 663 Lowa (Belg. Congo), 674 Lowell (Mass.), 387, 481

Lower California (Mex.), 1041, 1042 Loyalty Is. (Pacific), 850 Luang-Prabang (Tonking), 820, 1247 Luapula, Upper (Belg. Congo), 674 Liibeck, 857, 919

— instruction, 862, 919

— matricular contribution, 860

— occupations of the people, 858

— representation (Imperial), 855

— shipping, 884, 919

— town, 861

Lubeck (Principality). 923 Lublin (R. Poland), 1188, 1192 Lucca (Italy), 978 ; town, 983 Lucerne, 1288, 1291 ; town, 1291 Lucknow, 128

LuderitzBay(Ger.S.W.Af.), 892 Ludwig, Regent (Bavaria), 905 Ludwigsburg (Germany), 448 Ludwigshafen (Bavaria), 861, 907 Lugh(Ital. Af.), 1004 Lugo (Spain), prov., 1257


Lukiko (assembly) (Uganda), 178 Lulonga (Belg. Congo), 674 Lulua (Belg. Congo), 674 Lumbwa (B. E. Africa), 175 Lund (Sweden), 1274; Univ., 1274 Lunda (Angola), 1158 Luneville, lort, 794 Lungchingtsun (China), port, 726 Lung-chow (China), port, 718,727 Luque (Paraguay), 1119 Lur race, (Persia), 1127 Luxembourg (Belgium), prov., 661,

668 Luxemburg (Gd. Duchy), 877, 1039 Luzon Is. (Philippines), 580, 583 Lynn (Ma.ss.), 387, 481 Lynx Island (Pacific), 370 Lyon, faculties, 772, 773

— fortress, 794

— local government, 778

— population, 782

Lyttelton (N.Z.), port, 362, 363

"TI/TACAO, (Post China), 727, 1156,

Macaulav I. (N.Z.), 365 Maceio (Brazil), 689 Macerata, 979 ; town, 983 ; univ. 986 Mach (Kalat), 156 Machakos (B. E. Africa), 175 McKean Island (Pacific), 370 Macoris (St. Domingo), 1234 McGill University (Canada), 272 Macquarie Island, 344 Madagascar, agriculture, 832

— area and population, 814, 830

— banks, 833

— books of reference, 833

— commerce, 815, 832

— consular representatives, 833

— currency, 833

— debt, 831

— defence, 832

— education, 831

— finance, 831

— gold, 832

— government, 830

— justice, 831

— live stock, 832

— minerals, 832

— posts and telegraphs, 833

— production and industry, 832

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