Illinois, communications, 458
— constitution and government, 455
— defence, 457
— finance, 456
— instruction, 456
— live stock, 457
— production and industry, 457
— religion, 456
— representation, 379, 455
— wheat, 401, 457
Illorin (Nigeria), prov., 225 Iloilo (Philippines), 580 Imam-i-Jum'ah (Persia), 1127 Imataca (Venez. ), iron mines, 1357 Imbabura (Ecuador), prov., 770 Imphal (India), 128 Inaccessible Island (Atlantic), 189 India (British), agriculture, 137
— area, 119, 12S et seq.
— army, expenditure, 133, 137
European, 98, 136, 137
native, 136
of feudatory states, 137
— banks, joint-stock, 140 savings, 152
— births and deaths, 127
— books of reference, 153
— canals, 148
— capital of joint-stock co.'s, 140
— coal outjiut, 141
— commerce, 141 e^ seq.
— constitution, 119
— cotton crop, 138, 144 mills, 140
— council, 119-20
— council of Governor-General, 119,
— councils, legislative, provincial,
— crops, 138
— currency, 152
— customs revenue, 134
— debt, 135
— emigration, 127
— executive authority, 120
— expenditure, 133 e^ seq.
— exports and imports, 142 ct seq. treasure, 143
— finance, 98, 132 et seq. municipal, 135
— forest ground, 140 revenue, 133
— gold, exports and imports, 143
India, gold production, 141
— government, 119 e^ seq. local, 122
municipal, 122
— Governor-general, 120
— governors-general, list of, 120
— Governors of provinces, 121
— illiteracy, 130, 131
— Imperial service troops, 136
— import duties, 142
— instruction, 130-1
medical colleges, 130
normal schools, 130
special schools, 131
universities, 130
— internal communications, 148
— irrigation, 133, 140
— joint-stock companies, 140
— justice and crime, 131
— King-Emperor, 3, 119
— land, cultivated & uncultivated, 139 irrigated, 140
— land revenue, 133, 134
— land tenure, 137
— languages, 1 26
— mineral production, 140
— money and credit, 150
— money, weights, measures, 152
— native states, 122, 124
— newspapers, vernacular, 131
— occupations of the people, 127
— opium revenue, 133
— police, 132
— population, 123 et seq.
according to language, 126
according to religion, 129
British territory, 123
British-born, 127
civil condition, 126
in British Guiana, 276
in German East Africa, 894
in Jamaica, 285
in Madagascar, 830
in Mauritius, 184
in Reunion, 835
in S. Africa, 127, 214
in Zanzibar, 180
native states, 124
occupations of, 127
presidencies and provinces, 123
towns, 128
— ports, 145
— posts and telegraphs, 133, 150