Hervey Islands (N.Z.), 364 Herzegovina, see Bosnia and Herze- govina Hesse, area and population, 856, 916
— births, deaths, marriae;es, 859
— books of reference, 918
— constitution, 916
— emigration, 860
— finance, 917
— grand-duke, 915
— instruction, 862, 917
— live stock, 917
— matricular contribution, 868
— occupations of the people, 858
— production and industry, 917
— religion, 862, 916
— representation. Imperial, 855
— towns, 916 Hesse, Upper, 916
— Rhenish, 916 Hesse-Nassau, area, &c., 928 Hidalgo (Mexico), State, 1041 Hill Tipperah (India), 125 Hilo Bay, Hawaii, 576 Hilversura (Holland), 1068 Himeji (Japan), 1013 Hindus in Baluchistan, 157 Hirosaki (Japan), 1013 Hiroshima (Japan), 1013 Hissar (Bokhara), 1220 Hivaoa Island (Pacific), 851 Hobart (Tasmania), 302, 345 Hoboken (N. Jersey), 387, 508 Hodmezo-Vasarhely (Hungary), 641 Hof (Bavaria), 907 Hohenzollern, area, &c,, 928 Hokkaido (Japan), 1011, 1012 Hokoto (Pescadores) Islands, 1011,
1031 Holland, see Netherlands Holland (N. andS.), 1067, 1069 Holland, (Lines.), parts of, 14 Holloway College, Egham, 29 Holyoke (Mass.), 387,481 Horns (Turkey), 1306 Honan (China), 716, 717 Honduras, area and population,
— bank, 974
— books of reference, 974
— commerce, 973
— constitution and govt., 971
— debt, 972 •
— diplomatic representatives, 974
Honduras, finance, 971
— instruction, 971
— justice, 971
— live stock, 972
— minerals, 972
— money, weights, measures, 973
— posts and telegraphs, 973
— President, 971
— production and industry, 972
— railway, 973
— religion, 971
— shipping, 973
— tobacco, 972
— towns, 971
— wheat, 972 Honduras, British, 278
Hong Kong, area and pop., 115
— banks, 118
— births and deaths, 116
— books of reference, 119
— commerce, 117, 724
— constitution & government, 115
— debt, 117
— defence, 117
— emigration and immigration, 116
— exports and imports, 117
— finance, 116
— Governor, 115
— instruction, 116
— justice and crime, 116
— lease of territory, 115, 717
— military expenditure, 98, 117
— money and credit, 118
— money, weights, & measures, 118
— railway, 118
— shipping, 118
— troops at, 98, 117
— University, 116 Honolulu, 575, 576 Honshiu (Japan), 1011, 1012 Hormuz (Persia), 1131 Horsens (Denmark), 758 Hottentots, 209, 892 Houston (Tex.), 387, 549 Hova race (Madagascar), 830 Hsi-an (China), 716 Hsiu-kiang (China), 717 Huacho (Peru), 1139 Huahine Island (Pacific), 851 Huancavelica (Peru), dept, 1139 Huanillos (Peru), 1143 Huanco'(Peru), dept., 1139, 1142
Huara (Peru), 1118