, Greece, production and industry, 956
— railways, 958
— reigning King, 951
— religion, 953
— roads, 958
— royal family, 951
— shipping, 958
— towns, 953
— University, 954 Greenland, 767 Greenville (Liberia), 1035 Greenock, population, 19 Greifswald, University, 864 Greiz (Reuss), 935 Grenada (W. I.), 289, 290 Grenadines, the, 289
Grenoble, 782; faculties, 787 ; fort, 794 Grey Univ. Coll., Bloemfontein, 203,
222 Grey town (Nicaragua), 1096 Grimsby, 16 ; port, 68 Griqualand (S. Africa), 209 Grisons (Switzerland), 1288, 1290 Grodno (Russia), 1188; town, 1192 Groningen(prov. ), 1067, 1069 ; (town),
1068 ; univ.,1069 Grosseto (Italy), 980 ; town, 986 Guadalajara (Mexico), 1042 Guadalajara (Spain), prov., 1257 Guadalcanar Island (Pacific), 370 Guadeloupe Is. (Antilles), 815, 847 Guaira, La(yenez.), port, 1358 Guam (Guahan), (Marianne Islands),
585, 896 Guanacaste (Costa Rica), 745 Guanajuato (Mexico), 1041 ; town,
1042 Guantanamo (Cuba), naval station,
396, 750 Guarda (Portugal), 1148 Guarico (Venezuela), 1355 Guatemala, agriculture, 963
— area and population, 962
— banks, 965
— books of reference, 966
— boundary convention, 962
— commerce, 964
— constitution and government, 962
— crops, 963
— debt, 963
— defence, 963
— diplomatic representatives, 966
— finance, 963
Guatemala, gold, 964
— instruction, 962
— justice and crime, 962
— live stock, 964
— minerals, 964
— money, weights, and measures, 965
— posts and telegraphs, 965
— President, 962
— production and industry, 963
— railways, 965
— religion, 962
— shipping, 965
— towns, 962 Guatemala la Nueva, 962 Guayaquil (Ecuador), 770 ; port, 772 Guayas (Ecuador), prov., 770 Guebres (Persia), 1127
Guelders, 1067, 1069 Guernsey, government, 91
— Herm, and Jethou, pop., 22 Guerrero (Mexico), state, 1042 Guiana (British), 276-7 ; gold in, 277
— (Dutch), 1089-90
— (French), 790, 815, 847 Guidimaka(Fr.W. Af.), 836, 841 Guinea (French), 814, 836, 839
— (Portuguese), 1156, 1158
— (Spanish), 1268 Guipuscoa (Spain), prov. 1257 Gulu (Uganda), 178
Giinther, Prince(Schwarzburg-Rudol-
stadt), 945 Gurang race (Nepal), 1062 Gurkha race (Nepal), 1062 Gustav V. (Sweden), 1270 Giistrow (Mecklenburg-Schw. ) 920 Guthrie (Okh. ), 528 Gwalior (India), 125, 136 Gwanda (Rhodesia), 195 Gwelo (Rhodesia), 195 Gyangtze (Tibet), 735 Gympie (Queensland);. 326 Gyor (Hungary), 641 Gyulafehervar (fortress), 614
HAAKON A' II., King (Norway), 3, 755, 1098 Haapai Island (Tonga), 369 j Haarlem (Holland), 1068 I Habana, sco Havana
i HabibuUah Khan (Afghanistan), 595