Great Britain, colonies and depen- dencies, 97 etseq, 155 et seq
— commerce, 72 et scq
— Commons, House of, 5
— consolidated fund services, 4, 43
— constitution, 4-6
— corn and green crops, 60
— cotton, consumption, 70
exports and imports, 70, 71,
77 factories, 70
— Councils, county, 10
district, 10
parish, 10
— Counties, Administrative, Eng-
land and Wales, 9, list of, 14, 15
— County boroughs, 11 ; list of,
15, 16
— credit, 86-9
— crime, 34-7
— crops, description & produce, 60
— Crown lands revenue, 42
— customs, 41, 42, 43 valuation, 72, 73
— development and road improve-
ment funds, 43
— docks, annual value, 47
— education, 29 et scq.
agricultural, 29, 64
Board of, 30
military, 53
— electors, 5, 6
— ■ estate duties, 42
— estimates, 44 e^ seq.
— emigration k immigration, 23
— excise, 42, 43
— expenditure, 43 et scq.
— exports, 72 et seq.
average per head, 72
coal, &c., 68
cotton, 70
cottons, 71, 78
foreign and colonial, 73
gold and silver, 76
iron and steel, 68, 77
principal articles, 78
textiles, 71, 77
wool, 71, 77, 78
woollens, 71, 77, 78
— farm holdings, 63
— finance, AO et seq.
— fish imports and exports, 65-6
— fisheries, 65
Great Britain, flax, 70
— forestry, 65
— gas works, annual value, 47
— gold bullion imports & exports, 76
— government, imperial and cen-
tral, 4
executive, 6
local, 9-12
— heir-apparent, 3 ; income of, 4
— house-duty revenue, 42
— illegitimacy, 23
— imports, 72 et seq.
average per head, 72
cotton, 70, 77
flax, 71
flour, 77
food, 77, 79
per head, 72
foreign and colonial, 73
gold and silver, 76
iron, 68
metals and minerals, 68, 69, 76
principal articles, 77, 79
tea, 79
wheat, 77, 79
wool, 71, 77, 78
— income tax, 42, 46, 47
— inhabited houses, 16, 19, 21
— instruction see Education
— iron imports, 68
— iron ore, 66,68
works, 69
annual value, 47
— justice and crime, 34-7
— King and Emperor, 3, 119
— land distribution, 60
revenue, 47
tax, 43
value dudes, 43
— live stock, 61
— local expenditure, 50 taxation, 43, 49
— Lords, House of, 5
— metropolis, see London
— metal imports, 68, 69, 76
— military commands, 52
— military expenditure, 43, 44 colonial contribution, 97
— minerals, 67
— mines, value, 47
— ministry, 6-9
— money and credit, 86
— money, weights and measures, 89
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