THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913
Fernando Po (Span. Africa), 1268 Ferrara, 979 ; town, 983 ; univ., 986 Ferrol (Spain), fort., 1261, 1262 Feuerbach (Germany), 948 Fez (Morocco), 1057 Fianarantsoa (Madagascar), 831 Fife (N. Rhodesia), 196 Figig (Morocco, 1057 Fiji, 293 ; area and population, 366
— births and deaths, 366
— books of reference, 368
— commerce, 367
— communications, 368
— constitution and gov. 365
— debt, 367
— finance, 367
— Governor, 366
— instruction, 366
— production and industry, 367
— religion, 366
— shipping, 368
— sugar mills, 367 Fingo race (S. Africa), 209 Finland, agriculture, 1223
— area, 1188
— births, deaths, marriages, 1222
— books of reference, 1 225
— canals, 1224
— commerce, 1224
— crime, 1222
— debt, 1223
— emigration, 1222
— finance, 1222
— forests, 1206, 1223
— government, 1184, 1186, 1221
— industry, 1223
— instruction, 1222
— iron, 1223
— live stock, 1223
— money, weights, measures, 1225
— pauperism, 1222
— population, 1188, 1221
— posts and telegraphs, 1225
— railways, 1225
— religion, 1221
— shipping and navigation, 1224
— towns, 1192, 1221
— university, 1193, 1222 Finmarken (Norway), prov., 1100 Fiote language (Belg. Congo), 674 Firenze, see Florence.
Fiume, 643 ; port, 648 Flamenco Island, 1115
Flanders, 661
Flat Island (Se)'chelles), 189
Flensburg (Prussia), 861
Florence (Firenze), 980 ; town, 986
Flores (Uruguay), 1348
Florida, area and pop., 383, 447
— charity, 447
— constitution and govt., 446
— cotton, 402
— defence, 448
— finance, 448
— fisheries, 448
— fruit culture, 448
— instruction, 447
— production and industry, 448
— public lands, 399
— railways, 449
— religion, 447
— representation, 370, 446
— rice and tobacco, 401, 402, 448 Florida Island, Pacific, 370 Florida (Uruguay), 1348 Flushing (Holland), 1068, 1079 Focsani (Rumania), 1172, 1175 Foggia (Italy), 981 ; town, 983 Fon race (W. Africa), 840 Fongtien (China), 717 Forcados (Nigeria), 229, 230 Forli (Italy), 980 ; town, 986 Formosa, (Argentina), prov., 601 Formosa Island, 717, 1011, 1030, 1031 Fort Anderson (Nyasaland), 186 Fort-de-France (Martinique), 848 Fort Hall (B. E. Africa), 175
Fort Jameson (Rhodesia), 196 Fort Johnston (Nyasaland), 186 Fort Sandeman (Baluchistan), 156 Fort Smith (Ark.), 430 Fort Wayne (Ind.), 387, 459 Fort Worth (Texas), 387, 549 Fourah Bay Coll. (W. Africa), 232 France, agriculture, 800 ct seq.
— alcohol, 863
— area, 778 et seq.
— army, 794 et seq.
— associations citltitelles, 783
— banks, 809
— births, deaths, marriages, 780, 781
— books of reference, 811
— budget, 791 e^ seq.
— canals, 808
— Chamber of Deputies, 775, 776,777
— coal, 802