Duki district (Baluchistan), 155 Dnlcigno (Montenecrro), 1051 Duliitli(Minn.), 387, 490, 492 Duma, the (Russia), 1181 DUnabuvg (Dvinsk), 1192 Diinamunde (Russia), 1199, 1202 Dundee, 19 ; College, 29 Dunedin (N.Z.), 354, 356 ; port, 362,
363 Dunkerque, 782, 798 ; trade, 806 Durango (Mexico). 1041 ; town, 1042 Durazno (Uruguay), 1348, 1351 Durban, 203, 214, 216 Durham University, 29, 232, 284 Durlach (Baden), 903 Durrani race (Afgh. ), 595, 596 Diisseldorf, 861 Dutch Curasao, 1089, 1091 Dutch East Indies, 1082, 1083
— agriculture, 1087
— area and pop., 1084
— banks, 1089
— births, deaths, and marriages, 1084
— books of reference, 1092
— cacao, 1087
— cinchona, 1088
— coal, 1088
— coffee, 1087
— commerce, 1088
— constitution and government, 1083
— consular representatives, 1089
— defence, 1087
— finance, 1086
— Governor-General, 1083
— instruction, 1085
— justice and crime, 1085
— mining, 1088
— money and credit, 1089
— money, weights, measures, 1089
— oil, 1088
— posts and telegraphs, 1089
— production and industry, 1087
— railways, 1089
— religion, 1085
— shipping, 1089
— sugar, 1087
— tea, 1088
— tin, 1088
— tobacco, 1088
— towns, 10 S5
Dutch Guiana (Surinam), 1089, 1091 Dutch New Guinea, 1083, 1084 Dutch West Indies, 1089
Duy-Tan, King (Aunam), 818 Dvinsk (Russia), 1192
EAGLE (Trois Freres) Is., 186 East Africa (British), 174 et scq.
East Africa Protectorate (British), 174 ct seq.
East Africa (German), 890, 893
East Africa (Italian), 992
East Africa (Port.), 1156, 1159
Eastbourne, population, 15
East Indies, British. See India, British
East Indies, Dutch. See Dutch East Indies
East London (Cape Col. ), 203, 209
Eastern Bengal and Assam, agricul- ture, 138, 139
— area and population, 123, 124, 138
— births and deaths, 127
— education, 130
— finance, 134
— forests, 139, 140
— government, 121, 122
— justice and crime, 131
— land revenue, 134
— — tenure, 138
— religion, 129
— roads, 148
— states, 124, 125 Eastern Prov. (Uganda), 178 East St. Louis (U.S.A.), 387, 455 Ebingen (Germany), 748 Echegheh (Coptic dignitary), 592 Ixhigo (Japan), prov., petroleum in,
1021 Echmiadzin, Catholicos of, 1306 Ecuador, area and population, 769
— banks, 773
— books of reference, 774
— boundary disputes, 770, 1140
— cocoa culture, 771
— commerce, 771
— constitution and government, 769
— debt, 771
— defence, 771
— diplomatic representatives, 774
— finance, 770
— gold, 771
— instruction, 770
— justice and crime, 770