Codriugton College (Barbados), 284
Coetivy (Seychelles), 189
Coiba Island (Panama) pearl fishery,
Coimbra (Portugal), 1148 ; town,
1149; Univ., 1150 Coimbatore (India), 128 Cojedes (Venezuela), 1355 Colchagua (Chile), prov., 706 Colinia (Mexico), state, 1042 College de France, 788 Colmar, 899
Coloane Island (Macao), 1157 Cologne, 861, 869 Colombia, agriculture, 742
— area and population, 739
— bank, 743
— books of reference, 744
— boundary disputes, 690, 740, 1140
— cattle trade, 742
— commerce, 742
— constitution and government, 739
— debt, 741
— defence, 741
— diplomatic representatives, 744
— emeralds, 741
— finance, 741
— gold, 741
— instruction, 740
— mines and minerals, 741
— money and credit, 743
— money, weights, measures, 743
— pearl fisheries, 742
— posts and telegraphs, 743
— President, 739
— production, 741
— railways, 743
— religion, 740
— river navigation, 743
— rubber concessions, 742
— shipping, 743
— towns, 740 Colombo (Ceylon), 108 Colon (Panama), 1115, 1116 Colonia (Uruguay), 1348, 1352 Colonies, British, three classes, 97
military contributions, 97, 98
Colorado, agriculture, 401
— area and pop., 383, 437
— constitution and govt., 437
— charity, 437
— defence, 438
— finance, 438
Colorado, gold, 438
— instruction, 437
— irrigation, 438
— live stock, 438, 439
— manufactures, 439
— mining, 406, 438
— production and industry, 438
— public lands, 399
— railways, 439
— religion, 437
— representation, 379, 437
— universities, 437 Colorado Springs, 437 Columbia, District of (U.S.A.), 379,
383, 406, 444
— area and population, 383, 444
— instruction, 445 Columbia (S. Carolina), 540 Columbus (Ohio), 387, 524, 525 Comadora Revadiva (Argentine Re- public), 605
Comisarias (Columbia), 740 Commerson Island (Pacific), 896 Commonwealth of Australia, see
Australia Como (Italy), 978 ; town, 983 Comoro Isles, 834 Concepcion (Chile), 706 ; town,
706 Concepcion (Paraguay), 1119 Concord (N. H.), 506 Condamine, La (Monaco), 1049 Confucianism, 718, 1027 Congo State, see Belgian Congo
— French, 814, 815, 828
— Portuguese, 1158 Connaught, province, pop., 21
— agricultural holdings, 63 Connecticut, area and population,
382, 399, 440
— banking, 441
— charity, 440
— constitution and govt., 439
— defence, 441
— finance, 441
— instruction, 440
— mining, 406, 441
— production and industry, 441
— railways, 441
— representation, 379, 439
— tobacco, 402, 441 — • Universities, 440
Constantine (Algeria), 823, 824