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Chaco (Paraguay), 1119 Chad region (Fr. Congo), 828, 829 Chaferinas Islands, 1257 Chagai (Baluchistan), 156, 157, 158 Chagos Islands (Mauritius), 186 Chalcis (Greece), 953 Cham race (Cochin China), 819 Chaman (Baluchistan), 156, 598 Chamba (India), 126 Champerico (Guatemala), port, 965 Chanchamayo district (Peru), 1142 Chandernagar (French India), 816 Chang-chung (Kirin), 732 ' Chango race (Chile), 706 Ch'ang-sha (China), 716, 718, 726 Channel Islands, area & pop. , 12, 13,22

— books of reference, 97

— government, 91 Charjui (Bokhara), 1226 Charleroy (Belgium), 663

Charles Edward, Duke (Saxe-Coburg

and Gotha), 937 Charleston (S.C.), 387, 396, 540, 541

— shipping, 416, 542 Charleston (W. Va.), 564 Charlestown (Nevis), 288 Charlottenburg (Prussia), 861 Charlottetown (P. Ed. Island), 1271 Charters Towers (Queensland), 326 Chatalj a (Turkey), 1305 Chatham Islands (N.Z.), 354, 364 Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland), 1291 Chefoo (China), 718

Chehkiang (China), 716, 717, 724 Chelyabinsk, (Russia), 1192 Chemnitz (Saxony), 941 ; tn., 861,942 Chemulpo (Korea), 1027, 1028 Ch'eng-tu (China), 716 Chenstochow, (R. Poland), 1192 Cherbourg, 782; fort., 794, 798 Chernigov (Russia), 1188 ; town,

1192 Chester, population, 15 Cheyenne (Wy.), 570 Chiapas (Mexico), 1042 Chicago (III), 387, 455 ; Univ., 456 Chieti (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 Chihuahua (Mex.), 1041; towu, 1042 Chile, agriculture, 709

— area and population, 706

— army, 708

— banking, 713

— books of reference, 713


Chile, births, deaths, and marriages, 706

— cereals, 709

— commerce, 710

— constitution, 705

— debt, 708

— diplomatic representatives, 712

— finance, 708

— forests, 709

— gold, 709, 710

— government, 705 local, 705

— immigration, 707

— instruction, 707

— iron, 709

— justice and crime. 707

— live stock, 709

— mining, 709

— money and credit, 712

— money, weights, measures, 712

— National Congress, 705

— navy, 709

— nitrate exports, 710

— posts and telegraphs, 711

— President, 705

— production and industry, 709

— railways, 711

— religion, 707

— roads, 711

— shipping and navigation, 711

— towns, 706

— universities, 707 Chihli (China), 716, 717 Chilian (Chile), 706

Chiloe (Chile), 691 prov., 706 ^^ Chimborazo (Ecuador), prov., 770 China, agriculture, 723

— area and population, 716 e^ seq.

— army, 723

— books of reference, 735 I — cabinet, 714, 715

I — coal, 724, 725

— commerce, 725 et seq.

— constitutional reform, 714

— copper, 725

— cotton, 724

— customs, maritime, 721

— customs valuation, 726, 727

— debt, 721-2

— dependencies, 716, 7Sletseg^

— diplomatic representatives, 731

— enumeration districts, 717

— finance, 720

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