Church in Scotland has 7 bishoprics, 397 churches and missions, 340 clergy, and 55,000 communicants.
The Roman Catholic Church has in Scotland (1911) two archbishops and four suffragan bishops; 559 priests, 396 churches, chapels, and stations, and about 400,000 adherents.
The proportion of marriages in Scotland according to the rites of the various Churches in 1910 was: Established, 44.89 per cent.; United Free, 26.24; Roman Catholic, 10.26; Episcopal, 2.81; others, 8.75; irregular, 7.05.
III. Ireland
The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is under four archbishops, of Armagh, Cashel, Dublin, and Tuam, and 23 bishops, besides a bishop auxiliary. On a vacancy the clergy of the diocese nominate a successor in whose favour they postulate or petition the Pope. The bishops of the province also present the names of two or three eligible persons to the Pope. The new bishop is generally chosen from this latter number; but the appointment virtually rests with the cardinals. The emoluments of a bishop arise from his parish, which is generally the best in the diocese, from licences of marriage, &c. , and from the cathedraticum, a small contribution paid by incumbents of parishes. The incomes of all classes of the Roman Catholic clergy of Ireland arise partly from fees, but principally from Christmas and Easter dues, and other voluntary offerings. Number of priests in Ireland (1911), 3,689. In 1911 the Roman Catholic population was returned at 3,242,670, being 73.9 per cent, of the total population.
The Church of Ireland (Protestant Episcopal) ceased to be 'established by law' by Act of Parliament (1869) 32 & 33 Vict. cap. 42. It has (1912) two archbishops, 11 bishops, and 1,700 clergymen; 1,400 churches; voluntary contributions, 1910, 153,724₤. At the census of 1911, the number of Protestant Episcopalians was returned as 576,611, being 13.1 per cent, of the total population. Previous to disestablishment its income was 600,000₤, and its entire capital was estimated at 14,000,000₤. By the Disestablishment Act 7,500,000₤, were allotted to it by way of commutation, and 500,000₤ in lieu of private endowments. The Church is governed by a General Synod—bishops, clergy, and laity having the right to vote separately. There are also 23 diocesan synods. The following is a summary of the funds of the Representative Body existing on December 31, 1911:—
£ | £ | ||
Commutation Capital | 280,872 | Balances of Income Accounts, | |
Parochial Sustentation | 5,885,275 | etc. | 38,566 |
Episcopal Sustentation | 558,236 | ||
Glebes Capital | 400,271 | ||
Miscellaneous Capital | 2,138,283 | Total | 9,301,503 |
There were in 1911, 440,525 Presbyterians, 62,382 Methodists, 9,138 Independents, 8,123 Baptists, 5,101 Jews. In 1911 the largest Presbyterian body consisted of 36 presbyteries, and had 651 ministers and 562 congregations, with 105,962 members; contributions during year 1911-12, 220,429₤; total church income, 289,867₤. This Church has two colleges, one in Belfast purely theological, the other (Magee College) in Londonderry with theological, literary, and scientific departments. The two together have 16 professors and lecturers.