THE statesman's YEAR-BOOK, 1913
Brazil, agriculture, 692
— area and population, 689
— army, 691
— banking, 695
— books of reference, 696
— boundary treaties, 690, 1140
— cattle industry, 692
— Chamber of Deputies, 687
— coffee, 692
— colonies (German and Italian), 693
— commerce, 693
— constitution, 687
— cotton mills, 693
— debt, 691
— diamond mining, 693
— diplomatic representatives, 696
— finance, 691 state, 691
— gold output, 693
— government, 687 local, 688
— immigration, 689
— instruction, 690
— justice and crime, 690
— live stock, 692
— mining, 693
— money and credit, 695
— money, Aveiglits, measures, 695
— National Congress, 687
— navy, 692
— posts and telegraphs, 695
— President, 688
— production and industry, 692
— railways, 694
— religion, 690
— representation, 688
— rubber, 692
— senate, 687, 688
— shipping and navigation, 694
— states, 689
— towns, 689 Brazzaville (Congo), 828 Brechou, Island, 22 Breda (Holland), 1068 Bremen, area and pop., 857, 910
— births, deaths, marriages, 910
— books of reference, 911
— commerce and finance, 910
— constitution, 910
— debt, 910
— emigration, 860, 911
— finance, 910
— matricular contribution. 868
Bremen, occupations of the people, 858
— religion, 862
— representation (Imperial), 855
— schools, elementary, 863
— shipping, 884, 910
— town, 861
Bremerton (U.S.A.), naval dry dock,
562 Brescia (Italy), 978 ; town, 983 Breslau, 861 ; University, 864, 865 Brest, 782; fort, 794, 798 Brest-Litovsk(Russ.),1192;fort,1199 Briangon (France), fortress, 794 Bridgeport (Conn.), 387, 440 Bridgetown (Barbados), 284 Brighton, population, 15 Brindisi (Italy), fort, 993 Brisbane (Queensland), 302, 326 ;
university, 327 Bristol, 15 ; port, 82 ; university, 29 British America, sec Bermuda,
Canada, West Indies, &c.
— Baluchistan, see Baluchistan
— Central Africa Protectorate, see
Nyasaland Protectorate
— Colonies and Possessions in Africa,
98, 174 et seq.
in Asia, 97-8, 102 etscq.,
161 ct. seq.
— Columbia, area and pop, , 242, 262 coal, 263
commerce, 263
constitution and government,
240, 241, 261
finance, 246, 262
fisheries, 249, 263
forests, 249, 263
instruction, 244, 262
manufactures, 280
mining, 263
political parties, 259
production and industry, 263
railways, 263
religion, 244
— »- representation, 240, 241, 261 shipping, 264
towns, 262
— East Africa, 174 <3^ seq. books of reference, 183
— Empire, see Great Britain,
England, Ireland, Scotland, &c.
— Guiana, 276
— Honduras, 278