Argentine Republic, cattle indst. , 605
— coal, 605
— commerce, 605 et seq.
— constitution, 600
— debt, 603
— diplomatic representatives, 608
— emigration and immigration, 601
— finance, 603
— gold, 605
— government, 600 local, 600
— Indians, 601
— instruction, 602
— Jewish Colony, 605
— justice & crime, 602
— live stock, 605
— mining, 605
— money and credit, 607
— money, weights, and measures, 608
— navy, 604-5
— posts and telegraphs, 607 .
— President, 600
— production and industry, 605
— provinces and territories, 601
— railways, 607
— religion, 602
— shipping and navigation, 607
— towns, 602
— universities, 602 Argolis (Greece), 953 Arica, 684, 1139
Ariki race (Cook Islands), 364
Arish, El (Egypt), 1325
Arizona (Ter.), area &pop., 383, 427
— charity, 428
— defence, 428
— finance, 428
— forests, 428
— government, 427
— Indian reservations, 427
— instruction, 427
— irrigation, 428
— live stock, 428
— mining, 428
— precious stones, 406
— production & industry, 428
— public lands, 399
— railways, 429
— religion, 427
— representation, 379, 427 Arkansas, agriculture, 431
— area k population, 383, 429
— charity, 430
Arkansas, coal, 431
— cotton, 401, 430
— defence, 430
— finance, 430
— forests, 403, 430
— government, 429
— instruction, 430
— live stock, 430
— production and industry, 430-1
— public land, 379
— religion, 430
— representation, 379, 429
— rice, 401
Arkhangelsk, 1188 ; town, 1192
Armenia, 1305
Armenians (in Persia), 1127 ; (in
Turkey) 1306,1307 Arnawai, (Afghanistan), 595 Arnhem (Holland), 1088 Arnstadt (Germanv), 946 Arolsen (Waldeck)", 946 Arorae Island (Pacific), 370 Aroa (Venez.), copper mines, 1357 Arriaga, Dr. Manoel, President
(Portugal), 1147 Aro tribe (Nigeria), 230 Arta (Greece), 953 Artigas (Uruguay), dept., 1348 Aruba Island (Dutch W. Indies), 1091 Aruwimi (Congo State), 674 Arzila (Morocco), 1056 Ascension Island, 174 Aschaftenburg (Bav.) 907 Ascoli Piceno (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 Ashanti (W. Africa), 225, 230, 231 ;
gold in, 231 Asia, British colonies, &c. in, 97, 98,
102 et seq., 161 et seq.
— Dutch possessions in, 1083 et seq.
— French colonies in, 814 et seq.
— German colonies in, 890, 895
— Portuguese colonies in, 1156
— Russian dependencies in, 1184,
— Turkish, 1304, 1306 Asia Minor, 1305 Askhabad, 1192
Asmar (Afghanistan), 595
Asmara (Eritrea), 1003
Asnieres, 782
Aspinwall, or Colon, 1115, 1116
Assab (Eritrea), 1004
Assam, 121, see also E, Bengal & Assam