Ambans, Tibetan officials, 732 Ambato (Ecuador), 770 Ambeiio (Port. Timor), 1157 Amberg (Bavaria), 907 Ambriz (Port. W. Africa), 1158 America, British colonies and posses- sions in {see Bermuda, Canada, West Indies, £&(?. ), 238 et seq. — French cols, in, 815, 847 et seq. Amersfoort (Holland), 1068 Amhara (Abyssinia), 591, 592 Amiens, 782
Amirantes Is. (Seychelles), 189 Amoy, 718, 727 Amritsar (India), 128 Amsterdam, 1068; fortif., 1073; shipping, 1079: university, 1069 Amsterdam Island, 835 Amurprov. (Manchuria), 731, 1188 Ananuka Is. (Pacific), 370 Anatolia, 1304; railway, 1315 Ancacha (Peru), dept., 1139 Anch'ing (China), 716 Anchorite Island (Pacific), 896 Ancona (Italy), 979 ; fort, 993 ;
town, 983 Andaman and Nicobar Islands, 121,
123, 129, 140, 160 Andes, Los (Venezuela), 1347 Andizhan, 1192 Andorra, 813 Andros Island (W.I.), 283 Anecho (Togo), 891 Aneityum Island (Pacific), 371 Angduphorang(Bhutun), 680 Angers, 782 ; faculties, 788 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, 1340 ct seq. Angola (Port. Africa), 1156, 1158 Angora (Turkish vilayet), 1305 Angouleme, 782 Angra (Azores), 1149 Angra Pequeiia (Ger. S. W.Africa), 892 Anguilla Is. (W.I.) 286, 287, 288 Anhalt, area and pop,, 857, 901
— births, deaths, marriages, 859
— constitution, 901
— finance, 901
— Imperial representation, 855
— instruction, 862
— manufactures, 878
— matricular contributions, 868
— occupations of the people, 858 -^ reigning duke, 901
Anhwei or Ngan-hwei, 716, 717, 724 Anjouan (Comoro Is.), 834 Ankober (Abyssinia), 592 Ankole (Uganda), 178 Ann Arbour (Mich. University), 487 Annabon (Span. Africa), 1268 Annam, 814, 816, 818 Annapolis (Md.), 476, 477, 478 Antalo (Abyssinia), 592 Antananarivo (Madagascar), 831 Antigua Is. (W. Indies), 286, 287 Antioquia (Colombia), 740, 741, 742 Antipodes Islands (N.Z. ), 365 Antivari (Montenegro), 1051 Antofagasta (Chile), m-ov., 706;
(town), 706 ; port, 684, 711 An-tung, 718, 726, 732 Antwerp, province, 661
— town, 663 ; fort, QQQ ; univ., 663 Anzoategui (Venezuela), 1355 Aomori (Japan), 1013
Apeldoorn (Holland), 1068
Api Island (Pacific), 371
Apia (Samoa), 886, 897
Apolda (Germany, 939
Apolima (Samoa), 897
Appenzell (cantons), 1288, 1291
Apra (Guam), 585
Apulia (Italy), j)rov., 986
Apure (Venezuela), 1355
Apurimac (Peru), department, 1139
Aqua-town (Kamerun), 892
Aquila degli Abruzzi, 979 ; town,
983 ; university, 986 Arabia, 1304, 1305 Arabistan, 1129 Arad (Hungary), 614, 641 Aradpa (Wadai), 829 ^
Aragua (Venezuela), 1355 Arauco (Chile), pro v., 706; natives
of, 706 Arcadia (Greece), 953 Archipelago (Turkish), 1304, 1305 Arendal (Norway), 1102 Arequipa (Peru), department, 1139 ;
town, 1139 ; University, 1140 Arezzo (Italy), 979 ; town, 983 Argentine Republic, agriculture, 605
— area and population, 601
— army, 604
— banks, 607-8 -
— births, deaths, marriages, 601 -^
•-- books of reference, 608 \