Albania, 1305
Albany (N.Y.), 387, 514,515 Albany (W. Australia), 302, 338 Albert, King (Belgium), 658, 674 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1049 Alberta ( Canada), agdculture, 248, 260
— area and population, 242, 259
— coal, 261
— commerce, 261
— constitution and government, 240,
241, 258
— exports, 261
— finance, 246, 260
— forests, 249, 261
— instruction, 244, 259, 260
— justice and crime, 260
— live stock, 261
— manufactures, 250
— mining, 249
— political parties, 259
— production and industry, 260
— railways, 261
— representation, 240, 241, 259
— University, 260 Albuquerque (N. Mex.), 511, 512 Albury(N.S.W.), 807
Alcazar (Morocco), 1056
Alcoy (Spain), 1258
Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 189
Alderney, government, 91 ; pop., 22
Alemtejo (Portugal), pro v., 1148
Aleppo (vilayet), 1305 ; town, 1306
Alessandria (Italy), 978 ; town,
983 ; fort, 990 Alexandria, 1325, 1326 ; town, 1327,
1331 ; shipping, 1336
— Patriarch of, 592, 1166. 1327 Alexandrovsk Grushevsk, 1192 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1148 Algeciras (Spain), fort, 1261 Algeria, 814, 815
— agriculture, 824
— area and pop. , 822
— army, 795, 824
— bank, 827
— births, deaths, marriages, 823
— books of reference, 827
— commerce, 825
— crime, 823
— debt, 824
— finance, 823
— fisheries, 803, 825
— government, 763, 778, 821
Algeria, industry, 825
— instruction, 784, 823
— live stock, 825
— mining, 825
— money, weights, measures, 827
— petroleum, 825
— posts and telegraphs, 825-6
— railways, 826
— religion, 823
— shipping, 826
— torpedo stations, 798
— towns, 823
Algiers (Alger), 798, 822, 824
— coaling station, 826
— schools, 828 Alhucema Islands, 1257 Alicante (Spain), 1237 ; town, 1238 Aligarh (India), 128
Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1068 Allahabad, 128 ; University, 130 Allentowu (Pa.), 387, 533 Almeria (Spain), 1257; town, 1258 Alor Star (Kedah), 171 Alost (Belgium), 663 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 189 Alphonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1254 _ Alsace-Lorraine, area and population, 857, 899
— births, deaths, marriages, 859, 900
— constitution, 899
— emigration, 860
— finance, 900
— instruction, 863, 900
— justice and crime, 900
— live stock, 877
— manufactures, 878, 900
— matricular contribution, 868
— occupations of the people, 858
— production and industry, 900
— religion, 862, 900
— representation (Imperial), 864, 899
— Statthalter, 899
— wine, 900
Altenburg (Germany), 936 Altona, 861, 884 Altoona(Pa.), 387, 533 Alwar (India), 124 ; town, 128 Amapala (Honduras), 971, 973 Amazonas (Brazil), prov., 688, 689 Amazonas (Venez.), 1355 Amazonas (Peru), dept., 1139
Ambado (Somali Coast), 835