Portugal: H.E. Fernando Mattoso Santos, Peer of the Kingdom (14 Nov. 1909); H.E. Francisco Antonio da Veiga Beirao, Councillor of State, Peer of the Kingdom (6 May, 1911); H.E. Jose Capello Franco Frazao (Count de Penha Garcia), former President of the Chamber of Deputies (25 May, 1910); H.E. Arthur Pinto de Miranda Montenegro, former Minister of Justice (25 May, 1910).
Rumania : Theodore G. Rosetti, former President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice (21 Nov. 1906) ; Jean Kalinderu, Administrator of the Crown Domain (21 Nov. 1906); Jean N. Lahovary, Deputy, formerly Envoy and Minister (21 Nov. 1906); Constantin G. Dissescu, Senator, formerly Minister Secretary of State in the Department of Worship and Public Instruction (21 Nov. 1906).
Russia: Sabouroff, Secretary of State, Member of the Council of the Empire, Senator, Actual Privy Councillor (20 Dec. 1909) ; Tagantzeff, Member of the Council of the Empire, Senator, Actual Privy Councillor (20 Dec. 1909) ; Baron Taube, Permanent Member of the Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Professor of International Law at the Imperial University of St. Petersburg, Councillor of State (20 Dec. 1909) ; Count L. Kamarovsky, Professor of International Law at the Imperial University of Moscow, Actual Councillor of State (20 Dec. 1909).
Salvador : Manuel Delgado, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs, formerly Envoy and Minister (2 Nov. 1909) ; Salvador Gallegos, formerly Minister of Foreign Affairs, for- merly Envoy and Minister (2 Nov. 1909) ; Salvador'Rodriguez Gonzalez, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2 Nov. 1909); Alonso Reys Guerra, Consul General for Germany (7 Aug. 1911).
Servia: George Pavlovitch, President of the Court of Cassation (28 March, 1907); H.E. Milovan Milovanovitch, Minister of Foreign Affairs (28 March, 1907) | H.E. Milenko R. Vesnitch, Envoy and Minister at Paris ,(28 March, 1907).
Siam : Frederick W. Verney, Member of the British Parliament, formerly Councillor of Legation at London (9 June, 1909); Corragioni d'Orelli, Councillor of Legation at Paris (9 June, 1909) ; Jens W. Westengard, Minister Plenipotentiary (6 March, 1911).
Spain: H.E. M. S. Moret, Deputy, former President of the Council of Ministers (10 Jan. 1907); H.E. E. Dato, Deputy, former Minister of Justice (10 Jan. 1907); Rafael M. de Labra, Advocate, Senator (10 Jan. 1907); H.E. Manuel Garcia Prietor, Marquis de Alhucemao, former Minister of Justice.
Sweden : Knut Hjalmar Leonard de Hammarskjold, Governor of the Province of Upsal (26 Nov. 1910); Johan Fredrik Ivar Afzelius, President of the Commission for the Revision of the Law (26 Nov. 1910); Johannes Hellner, former Minister (7 Dec. 1906); H.E. Baron Carl Nils Daniel Bildt, Envoy and Minister at Rome (7 Dec. 1906).
Switzerland: H.E. Charles Edouard Lardy, Envoy and Minister at Paris (8 Dec. 1906); Eugene Huber, Member of the National Council (19 March, 1912); Leo "Weber, formerly Federal Judge, Colonel of Military Justice and Auditor- in-Chief of the Swiss Army (appointed to the end of Dec. 1912).
Turkey: H.E. Ibrahim Hakky Bey, Grand Vizir (28 Jan. 1909); H.E. Gabriel Effendi Nouradounghian, Senator, formerly Minister of Commerce and Public Works (28 Jan. 1909); H.E. Yorghiadis Effendi, Senator (28 Jan. 1909); H.E. Said Bey, President of the Legislative Section of the Council of State (17 Sept. 1909).
Uruguay : Juan Pedro Castro, former Envoy and Minister at Paris and Brussels (9 Aug. 1907); Juan Zorilla de San Martin, former Minister and Envoy (25 April, 1911); Jose Pedro Massera, Member of the Chamber of Deputies (25 April, 1911).
Venezuela: Nicomedes Zuloaga, formerly Member of the Court of Cassation (23 March, 1909) ; Francesco Arroyo Parejo, Professor of Civil Law at the University of Caracas (23 March, 1909) ; Carlos L^on, formerly Minister of Public Instruction, Professor of Political Economy and Sociology at the University of Caracas (23 March, 1909);
Manuel Antonio Matos, formerly Minister of Finance (23 March, 1909).