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Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Venezuela in Great Britain. Consul-General in London. — Dr. P. Acosta Delgado.

There are Consular representatives at Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, and Southampton.

2. Of Great Britain in Venezuela.

Minister Resident'. — Frederick Dundas Harford, C. V.O., appointed February 15, 1911. Secretary. — Vacant.

Vice-Consul at Caracas. — G. B. Gilliat-Smith. Consul at Bolivar. — C. H, de Lemos. There are Vice-Consuk at La Guaira, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello, Guiria.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Venezuela.

1. Official Publications.

Respecting the Question of the Boundary of British Guiana and Venezuela: Cor* respondence between the Governments of Great Britain and the United States with respect to Proposals for Arbitration (United States, No. 2, 1896); Documents and Correspondence (Venezuela, No. 1, 1896); Maps to accompany Documents (Venezuela, No. 1, 1896, Appendix No. III.); Errata in "Venezuela No. I." (Venezuela, No. 2, 1896); Further Documents (Venezuela, No. 3, 1896); Case on the Part of British Government (Venezuela, No. 1, 1899); Counter-case on the Part of British Government Venezuela, No. 2, 1899); Argument on the Part of British Government (Venezuela, No..

3, 1899); Case, Counter-case, and Argument on the Part of Venezuela (Venezuela, Nos.

4, 5, and 6, 1899) ; Award of the Tribunal of Arbitration (Venezuela, No. 7 1899). London, 1896 and 1899. GacetaOficial. Daily, Caracas.

Constitucion de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela Sancionada par la Asamblea nacional constituyente en 1909. Caracas, 1909.

Deutsches Handels-Archiv. Monthly.

Foreign Office Reports, Annual Series. London.

Venezuela: Geographical Sketch, Natural Resources, Laws, &c. Issued by the Bureau of American Republics. Washington, 1904.

Boletin de Estadistica de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela. Monthly.

Anuario Estadistico de Venezuela. 1909.

2. Non-Official Publications.

Andre (E.). A Naturalist in the Guianas. London, 1904.

Baudelier (A. F.), The Gilded Man. New York, 1893.

Compendium of Geography and Travel (Stanford's) ; Central and South America. Vol. I. London, 1901.

Dalton (L. V ), Venezuela. London, 1912.

Dawson (T. C), The South American Republics. Part II. New York, 1905.

Ernst (Dr. A.), Les produits de Venezuela. Bremen, 1874.

Fortojil{J. G.), Historia Constitucional de Venezuela. Vol. 1. Berlin, 1907.

Humboldt (A. von). Personal Narrative of Travel to the Equinoctial Regions of America. 3 vols. London, 1900. — Views of Nature. London, 1900.

Keane (A. H.), Central and South America. 2d ed. Vol. I. London, 1909.

Landaeta Posales (M.), Gi'an Recopilacion Geogr4fica, Estadistlca e Historica de Venezuela. 1889.

Macpherson (T. A.), Vocabulario historico, geogi'aphico, <fec. , del Estado Uarabobo. 2 pts. Caracas, 1890-91. Diccionario historico, geografico, estadistico, «fec., del Estado Miranda. Caracas. 1891.

Mitre (B.), Emancipation of South America. London, 1893.

Mombello (G. Orsi de), Venezuela y sus Riquezas. Caracas, 1890.

Pimentel y Roth (F.), Resumen Cronologico de las Leyes y Decreto del Credito Publico de Venezuela, des de el ano de 1826 hasta el de 1872-1873.

Report of Council of Corporation of Foreign Bondholders. London, 1905.

Scruggs (W. L.), The Colombian and Venezuelan Republics. 2d. ed. Boston, Mass., 1905.

Scruggs{\Y. L.)and Storrow(J. J.), The Brief for Venezuela. [Boundary dispute.] London, 1896.

Spencc (J. M.), The Land of Bolivar: Adventures in Venezuela. 2 vols. London, 1878.

Strickland (J.), Documents and Maps of the Boundary Question between Venezuela and British Guiana. London, 1896.

Triana (S. P.), Down the Orinoco in a Canoe. London, 1902.

Veloz Goiticoa (N.), Venezuela-Esbozo Geografico, Recursos Naturales, Legislacion, Condiciones Econdmicas, DesarroUo Alcanzado,Prospecto de Futuro Desenvolviraiento,1904.

Wood (W. E.), Venezuela : Two Years on the Spanish Main. London.

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