Religion and Instruction. :
The Roman Catholic is the State religion, but there is toleration of all ' others. The Archbishop^of Caracas has 5 suffragan bishops.
Instruction is given both in public and private schools, the former belonging to the Nation, the States, or the Municipios ; the latter to private persons. Elementary instruction is free, and from the age of 7 to the com- pletion of the primary grade, compulsory. In 1911 the reorganisation of primary : education was undertaken. The new system will aim especially at the creation of i large school buildings and schools in villages. The elementarj' schools number 1,367 with 43,579 pupils, secondary schools 102, 58 for boys, 38 for girls, and 6 mixed. In Caracas there is 1 normal school for females, and in Carabobo another for males. To each is annexed an elementary school with first and second grade pupils. There are 34 national colleges and 63 private colleges, 21 of which are subventioned. The former have each a 2 years' preparatory course and a 4 years' course in philosophy or for the bachelor's degree. In some of these commercial instruction is also given. At Caracas is the central University, a.nd in Merida is the University of Los Andes. In the former are faculties of Political, Medical, Mathematical, and Ecclesi- astical Sciences, the chairs of the last-named faculty being in the metropolitan seminary. The Los Andes University has faculties of Political and of " Ecclesiastical Sciences. The University rectors and vice-rectors must be Venezuelans by birth^ and they and the professors must hold the degree of Doctor of a Venezuelan University. Through faculty councils university graduates have some influence on the organisation and improvement of.' scientific teaching. Special institutions are the National Academy of Finei Arts, National Library, College of Engineers, School of Arts and Trades, Military Academy, Nautical School, and a School of Engineering carried on at the Central University, and an agricultural and veterinary school at Maracay (1912).
Federal judicial authority resides in the Court (which is also Court oil Cassation) and in various tribunals and courts established by special laws. The Federal Procurator-General is appointed by Congress for 2 years.
The States have each a Supreme Court with 3 members called respectively President, Relator, and Chancellor. Each State has also a superior court, courts of first instance, district courts, and municipal courts. The States' judicial officers hold their posts for 3 years. In the Territories there are civil and criminal judges of first instance, and also judges in the municipios.
The revenue and expenditure for five years were (in bolivars or francs) : —
Revenue . Expenditure
50,410,132 47,668,809
48,552,857 52,337,175
62,939,074 61,640,009
52,500,000 52,500.000
The foreign debt of Venezuela began with its assumption of its share of; the old Colombian debt in 1834, amounting to 1,888,396Z., and 906,430Z, , arrears of interest ; total, 2,794,826Z. An arrangement was made in 1881, when new consolidated bonds were issued to the amount of 2, 750, OOOZ. for the conversion of the external debt. In August, 1904, the outstanding amount of this debt with arrears of interest, and of the 5 per cent, loan of 1896
with arrears of interest was 5,618,725L In 1905 this debt was converted