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The fliief exports in 1911 were olive oil, valued at 194, 830^. : earoL-beaiis, 72,4517. ; soap, 45,523Z. ; raisins, 95,657/. ; wine, 56,307/. ; orang?.s, 13,544?. ; sheep and goat skins, 11,603Z.

In 1911 there entered and cleared at the ports of the island 3,414 vessels of 1,811,865 tons. One-third the tonnage was Anstro-Hungarian, and the remainder mostly Italian, Russian, and French.

Crete has entered the Postal Union. There are 28 Cretan post-offices, besides Austrian, French, and Italian offices in the Island. In 1910-11, 1,881,210 inland and 592,292 international letters passed through the Cretan post-offices. Receipts 281,055 dr. , expenditure 221,797. There are (in 1909) 368 miles of telegraph line, and 15,646 inland telegrams and 45,143 foreign telegrams.

The Bank of Crete, founded in 1899, with a capital of 5,000,000 gold drachmai, has obtained for 30 years the exclusive right of issuing notes The Cretan money is similar to that of Greece. There are silver coins of 5 and 2 drachmai, and of the drachma and i drachma (50 lepta), and copper and nickel coins of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 lepta. The drachma is equivalent to the franc, or 25*225 dr. ==£1. The old Turkish piastre, however, still Imgers. The metric system of weights and measures is in general use, but the oke (2-8 lbs.), and the pique f| yard) are also in vogue. The circulation of foreign money is prohibited, except European gold coins.

There is an Agricultural Bank, founded in 1869. It has a capital of 3,960,941 drachmai, and makes small advances to farmers at 6 per cent, interest.

British Consul- General at Canea.— A. C. Wratislaw, C.B., C.M.G.

There are vice-consuls at Canea, Candia, and Rethymo.

Books of Reference concerning Crete.

Statisque du Commerce Bxterieur de I'ile de Crete. Quarterly and Annual. Canea.

Foreign Office Reports. A^nnual Series. i ^ ^ n on-- n

Ministere des Affaires etrangeres, Documents diplomatiques, Affaires de Crete, i»v»,-y, 1005.

Berard (V.), Les Affaires de Crete. Paris, 1900.

£ickf or d- Smith (R. A. H.), Cretan Sketches. London, 1897.

Bothmer (H), Kreta in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1899.

Castonnet de Fosse, La Cr^te et rHellenisme. Paris, 1897.

Chalkiopoulos (L.). Sitia, die Osthalbinsel Kretas. Berlin, 1903.

Combes (P.), L'lle de Crete. Paris, 1897. , .^ . ^ x- i r. •

Couturier (Henri), La Cr^te, sa situation au point de vue du droit international. Pans. 1000. I

Draqoumes (Stephen), Enosis, or a Cretan memorial, Athens, 1909. |

Frees* (J. H.), A Short Popular History of Crete. London, 1897. '

GerolaiQ), Monumeuti Veneti dell' isola di Creta (published by the Venetian Insti- tute). Vol. i. (1906). Vol. II. (1008). ...,.,. r. 1 X ,^ lonR 4

Jannaris (A. N.), Condition of Agriculture and Trade m Crete (m Greek) Canea, 1906. |

Kalitsunaki.1 (J. E.), Kretisches Schulwesen (in Rein's Encyclopadisches Handbuch | der Paedagogik. Vol. v.). Langensalza, 1906. ,, . , , ^ . .. r. i% ^^^^.^^r,

Kalomenoiionlos (Nik.), Cretioa, or Topography of the island Crete (m Greek). Athens, 1894.

LarocheiGh.), La Crete ancienne et moderne. Pans, 1898.

Martini (Edgar), Kreta und die Politik der offenen Wunde. Munich, 1912.

MWer!a(Elpis), Eiiebnisse und Beobachtungen auf Kreta. Hannover, 1892.

i»fitc/ien(0.), The Greek, the Cretan, and the Turk. London, 1897.

Noiret, Documents inedits pour servir a I'histoire de la domination v6nitienne en j Crete de 1380 a 1485. Paris, 1892. ^ , ... ^ ^v t ^-^^

Papantondkis (8. A.), Cretica: a Collection of Documents relating to the Insurrection

1897-8 (in Greek). Canea, 1901.

P.si?afcis (B.), History of Crete. (In Greek.) 3 vols. Canea, 1909— 1910.

■Stavrakis (N.), Statistics of the population of Crete, with vanous notices for this island (in Greek). Athens, 1890.


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