There are also British Consular Representatives at the following places : — Consuls-General. — Baghdad, Beirut, Salonica, Smyrna, Consuls or Vice-Consuls. — Aleppo, Benghazi, Adrianople, Bussora, Bitlis, Damascus, Jaffa, Jeddah, Jerusalem, Erzeriim, Samos, Smyrna, Trebizond, Brussa, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Scutari, Adana, Antioch, Van, Rhodes, Scala Nuova, Kharput, Sivas, Diarbekr, Konia, Uskub, Monastir, Derua, Mosul, and Karbala.
Statistical and other Books of Reference.
1. Official Publications.
Salname. Official Almanac for the Turkish Empire. Constantinople.
Report of the Health Office, published annually.
Rej'ort of the Council of Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt. Annual.
Constitution Ottomane promulguee le 7 Zilhidje (11/23 decembre, 1876), Constanti- nople, 1891.
Treaty between Great Britain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Russia, and Turkey, for the settlement of affairs in the East. Signed at Berlin, July 13, 1878. Fol. London 1S7S.
Diplomatic and Consular Reports from Turkey. Annual, London.
Ilertslet (Sir E.), Foreign Office List, Published annually, London.
Ottoman Land Code. Tr. by F. Ongley, revised by H. E. Miller. London, 1892.
Correspondence and Further Correspondence respecting the Introduction of Reforms in the Armenian Provinces of Asiatic Turkey. London, 1896-97.
Correspondence respecting the condition of the population of Asiatic Turkey, 1888-89 G-5,723 fol. London, 1889.— Correspondence respecting the Affairs of South-Eastern Europe, 1903-07. London.
Young, Corps de Droit Ottoman (Stjmdard Collection of Turkish secular laws).
2. Non-Official Publications, Turkey in Europe.
Annual Report of the British Chamber of Commerce, Constantinople,
Abbott (G. F ), Tale of a Tour in Macedonia London, 1903.
Albrecht {y^ .), Grundriss des Osmanisclien Staatsrechtes. Berlin, 1905,
Baedeker's Konstantinopel und Kleinasien, Leipzig, 1905.
Baler (G.), Tlie Passing of the Turkish Empire in Europe. London, 1912,
Berard{Y.), La Macedoine. — La Politique du Sultan.— La Turquie et I'Hellenisme. Paris, 1897.— Le Sultan, I'lslaui, et les Puissances. Paris, 1907.
Bernard (M.), Turquie d'Europe et Turquie d'Asie. Paris, 1899,
Booth (J,L.C.), Trouble in the Balkans. London, 1905.
Brailsford {B.. N.), Macedonia: Its Races and their Future. London, 1906.
Brancoff(D. M.), La Macedoine et sa Population Chretienne. Paris, 1905,
Buxton (C, R.), Turkey in Revolution. London, 1909.
Comyn-Platt (T.), The Turk in the Balkans. London, 1906,
Creaxy (Sir Edward Shepherd), History of the Ottoman Turks, [Founded on Von Hammer, but continued to 1876.] New ed. London, 1882.
Curtis (W. E.), The Turk and his Lost Provinces, London, 1903,
Davey (R.), The Sultan and his Subjects. 2nd ed. London, 1907.
Durham (Mrs.), The Burden of the Balkans. London, 1905.
Dwight (H. O.), Constantinople and its Problems. London, 1901.
Fazy (E.), Les Turcs d'Aujour d'hui. Paris, 1898.
Ferriman (Z. D.), Turkey and the Turks. London, 19] 1,
Fraser (J. F ), Pictures from the Balkans. London, 1906.
Freeman (Edward A.), The Ottoman Power in Europe : its Nature, its Growth, and its Decline. London, 1877, History and Conquests of ttie Saracens. Srd ed, London, 1877,
Garnett (Lucy M.), Turkey of the Ottomans. London, 1912,
Halil Halid, The Diary of a Turk, London, 1903. .1 Hamilton (A.), The Balkan War, London, 1913.
Hammer-Purgstall (J . von), Geschiehte des Osmanischen Reiches, &c. 1st ed. 10 vols. Pesth, 1827-35. 2nd ed. (improved), 4 vols. Pesth, 1834-36.
HecqiLard (C), La Turquie sous Abdul Hamid II. Paris, 1901.
Heidborn {A.), Manuel de Droit Public et administratif de I'Empire Ottoman. Vol. T, Constitutional. Vol. II. Financial. Vienna, 1912.
Herbert (F. W, von), By-Paths in the Balkans. London, 1906