Large accounts are frequently, as in the official budget estimates, set down in ' purses ' of 500 Medjidie piastres, or 5 Turkish liras. The * purse ' is calculated as worth Al. 10s. sterling. The gold Lira weighs 7-216 grammes '916 fine, and thus contains 6-6147 grammes of fine gold. The silver 20-piastre piece weighs 24-055 grammes '830 fine, and therefore contains 19'96j grammes of fine silver.
The Oke, of 400 drams . ,, Almucl . ,, Kilch 44 Okes = 1 Cantar or Kintal a9-44 Okes 180 Okes = 1 Cheke
1 Kile = 20 Okes . 816 Kilehs .
The Endaze (cloth measure). ,, Arshin (land measure) Dnnum (land measure)
2-8326 lbs. avoirdupois. 1-151 imperial gallon. 0-9120 imperial bushel. 125 lbs. avoirdupois, 1 cwt. . 511-380 pounds. 0-36 imperial quarter. 100 imperial quarters. 27 inches. 30 inches. 40 square paces.
The kile is the chief measure for grain, the lower measures being definite weights rather than measures. 100 kiles are equal to 12-128 British imperial quarters, or 35 '266 hectolitres.
In 1889 the metric system of weights was made obligatory for cereals ; metric weights were decreed obligatory in January 1892, but the decree is not yet enforced.
Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.
1. Of Turkey in Great Britain.
Ambassador.— KXwwQ^ Riza Bey (1912).
Councillor of Embassy.— W.. Djevad Bey.
First Secretary.— Kqow^ Ahmed Bey.
Second Secretary.— iierkis Bey.
Third Secretary.— B.. Chefik Bey.
Honorary Attache.— h. Morel Bey.
Naval Attache.— CommixndeY Hussein Bey.
Councillor. — Djevad Bey.
Constil-General in London, Mundji Bey.
There are Consular representatives of Turkey at the following places :—
Birmingham, Bradford, Cardiff, Dublin, Jersey, Liverpool (C. G.), New castle-on-Tyne, Glasgow, Hartlepool, Hull, Leith, Manchester, Southampton,, Sunderland, Swansea, &c.
2. Of Great Britain in Turkey.
Ambassador.— nt. Hon. Sir G. A. Lowther, G.C.M.G., C.B. Councillor.— C. M. Marling. C.B., C.M.G.
Chief Dragoman.— G. H. Fitzmaurice, C.B., C.M.G. , ^ „, „ ^ ,
Secretaries.— G. Kidston, E. Ovey, E. Hope-Vere, Lord G. Wellesley, j H. Nicolson, E. A. Keeling (acting).
Attaches.— B,. Smith-Barry and Hon. Richard Legh. Military Attache.— Msi]ov G. E. Tyrrell, R.A. Judge.— R. B. P. Cator. Assistant Judge. — Peter Grain. • Commercial AttacM.—^. Weakley, C.M.G.
Consul-General.-U. C. A. Eyres.