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Money, Weights, and Measures.

The Franc of 10 Batzen, aud 100 Rappen or Centimes.

Average rate of exchange, 25 '22| francs = £1 sterling.

The 20-franc piece is '900 fine, the 5-franc silver piece is '900 tine, the silver 2-franc, franc, and half-franc are -835 fine. Switzerland belongs to the Latin Monetary Union ; but since Italy is exonerated from taking back its exported fractional coin in case of the dissolution of the Union, the im* TDortation into Switzerland of 2 franc, 1 franc, and \ franc pieces is prohibited by decree of February 21, 1899, on pain of confiscation. By a Convention of November 15, 1902, with the other States within the Union, Switzerland may coin, exceptionally, 12,000,000 francs in fractional silver pieces, but the issues must be spread over at least 6 years.

The Centner, of 50 Kilogrammes and 100 ^und = 110 lbs. avoirdupois. The Quintal = 100 Kilogrammes = 220 lbs. avoirdupois. The Arpent (Land) = 8-9ths of an acre.

The Pfund, or pound, chief unit of weight, is legally divided into decimal Grammes, but the people generally prefer the use of the old halves and quar- ters, named Halhpfund, and Viertelpfund.

Diplomatic and Consular Representatives.

1. Of Switzerland in Great Britain.

Envoy and Minister. — M. Gaston Carlin.

Secretary. — Cli. Paravicini,

Councillor of Legation. — M. Theo Ritter.

2, Of Great Britain in Switzerland.

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary. —

Secretary. — Robert H. Clive.

Military Attache. — Colonel Edward John Granet, C.B.

Gommoxial Attache.— ^\\- H. Austin Lee, K.C.M.G., C.B. (also at Paris)

GonsiU' General at Ziirich.— Sir H. Angst, K.C.M.G.

There are Consuls at Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Davos, and St. Moritz ; Vice-Cousuls at Ziirich, Montreaux, B^le, St. Gall, Lugano, and Neuchatel.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Switzerland

1. Official Publications.

Annuaire Statistique de la Suisse. Berne.

Feuille federate suisse. Bern. '•

Foreign Office Reports. Annual Series and Miscellaneous Series. London .

Resultats proviBoires du Recensement Federal des entreprises agricoles industiielles, et comuierciales, Aug. 9, 1905. Berne, 1906.

Resultats du coiupte d'etat de la Confederation suisse. Annual. Berne.

Sanunlung enthaltend die Bundesverfassuug uud die in Kraft Cestchenden Kantonsver- fassungen (in German, French, and Italian). Bern, 1891.

Sohweizerische Statistik. Herausgegeben vora Statistischen Bureau des Eidgeuoss I Departments des Inuern. Annual. Bern.

Statistique du commerce de la Suisse avecl'etranger. Berue. Annual.

Voranschlagder SehweizerischenEidgenossenschaft. Annual. Berne.

Jahrbuch des Unterrichtswewens in der Schweiz. (Dr. Huber.) Annual. Zurich.

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